Mastercard Forces Patreon Ban


sato's picture

yeah it's like they're having a hard time getting control of government so they've just decided fuck it let's do everything we want to do anyway with private companies so we can't be stopped with votes.

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skeptoid's picture

If things get to a point where there is no cash and you can be prohibited from purchasing anything based on your beliefs, anyone who has read and puts stock in the book of Revelations will certainly think they know where and when we are, which is strange because those were supposedly the crazed hallucinations of a madman, right? We have a warning from our ancient past against this - there must have been similar situations in the past, where people had to have a brand of some kind to conduct commerce, and we're almost there again it seems.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

cash is not going anywhere..there is actually more cash in circulation this year than last year..dollars at least

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