daftcunt's picture

OAN: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

I forgot to add a Backpfeifengesicht!


Quite a few times I actually mistook OAN for ONN and had a good laugh about their shit!

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Full show, will probably not survive for long:

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lawngnome's picture

Did you know that some of Washington state's TV channels began refusing to broadcast the Whithouse's Coronavirus updates, so police stations in many districts started posting them on their websites and facebook pages? 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why broadcast this shit if the twat only wants to answer questions he likes?

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Dagambit's picture

maybe the fuckface media needs to start asking relevent questions and stop hyping this death toll. Yesterday NPR said, "... this virus is the most devistating thing to hit our country and when it finishes claiming lives of the american people, which the death toll is rising everyday, we will never be able to morn the same way again."


Sensationalism much?

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danmanjones's picture

OAN is garbage but their reporting on the alleged Douma chemical attack that was blamed on Assad was good. Time has shown this is true, there's now a huge scandal at the OPCW because the investigation was corrupted in favour of blaming Assad but OAN sent a journalist to Douma at the time & was showing that the media reporting that blamed Assad was bollucks. The White Helmets were staging shit.


2 of the 3 examples John Oliver mentioned that are "conspiracy theories" were not necessarily the case, reporting on them doesn't make it a conspiracy theory, no matter how uncomortable they make the US establishment feel. One was Seth Rich's death & the other was the Fort Detrick biowarfare laboratory. I didn't see OAN's coverage of either but the way John Oliver mentioned them it's as if the very topics are conspiracy theories.

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lawngnome's picture

Needs more laugh track.

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stokkebye's picture

LOL fucking awesome! Fuck the lamestream media! Im glad its goin down like this! They are shit networks with liberal hacks!

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Dagambit's picture

But did they say anything not factual? Trump's ratings are higher than ever and higher then the last president at this point in time. Seems like they are asking, with the peoples approval, why is the rest of the media trying so hard to discredit you on bullshit that doesn't matter. Chinese Virus is racist .. fuck off snowflakes!


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