love it


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Again: nice figure but I struggle with that face, I really do!


And of course a Cover of the only maxi single I ever bought? No sir!



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hellyeah's picture

dear sir its all about passion, respect and love for music. And this little minx has it in spades. Just really listhen to her and watch.

and for the rest

When You Meet That Butterface - GIF - Imgur

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page


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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

You know how sometimes you're at the restaurant and ask for a Coke but the waitress has the common decency to ask 'Is Pepsi okay?' and you're like 'F#@k no, Pepsi is not okay, but thank you for checking.'  I feel like I just got slipped a Pepsi without being asked. 

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