Lies About Chinese Government

monkeymania's picture

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Chinese spy spills secrets to expose Communist espionage | 60 Minutes Australia

The Chinese government has said that criticism of their treatment of Uighurs isn't "helpful" before quickly modifying their statement to denial of any bad treatment of them. Just another case of people lying about there being anything bad about the People's Republic of China. They are all obvious lies.





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Pantysoaker's picture
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china is a great place

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monkeymania's picture

Bigly tremendous wonderful beautiful place in fact.

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sato's picture

This is all untrue, just fantasy. There, I disproved it.


You've probably all heard about how absolute power corrupts absolutely? Well Xi has had absolute power for a while now, even before it was official given to him. So it's hardly surprising the state China has become. Not just no public say in public issues, but now they're all quite actively kept under a very large thumb, with both camera surveillance and also all the government employees reporting back on all citizens' activities.

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danmanjones's picture

When was the Chinese president given absolute power?


Shouldn't they have ammended the constitution that clearly has the National People's Congress as the highest state organ & maybe shifted some of their responsibilities over to the president to let everone know how official it is?

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monkeymania's picture

Xi has a lot of power as president and General Secretary of the communist party FOR LIFE. Though resembling Winnie the Pooh is really the source of his power.


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danmanjones's picture


Article 63 The National People’s Congress has the power to remove from office the following persons:

(1) the President and the Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China;


(9) to decide, when the National People’s Congress is not in session, on the choice of Ministers in charge of ministries or commissions, the Auditor-General or the Secretary-General of the State Council upon nomination by the Premier of the State Council;

Constitution of the People's Republic of China


Pooh banned in China!!


Bonus China Bad Myth busted:

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monkeymania's picture

What in the holy fuck is wrong with you? It's a meme, zippy. You are one indoctrinated wu mao freak. Go to Tianamen Square and compare Xi with Winnie the Pooh and see how you make out.


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danmanjones's picture

haha that's where you get your insights into China... a guy who makes money from promoting China Bad crap & took his wife & kid away from their family because he's no longer even welcome there. Way to out yourself. Sato does it too. You guys are hilarious. Lazy & ignorant but hilarious all the same.


The humour has many levels. You unironically believe Chinese are brainwashed & yet push all this disinfo as if true. Now you're freaking out because you were thrown a bone to let you know Pooh isn't actually banned, as if all the other horseshit you say wouldn't make someone think you truly believed it. Nice 'gotchya'. LOL

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monkeymania's picture

You show all the classic signs of a brainwashed person. You truly believe everything you say is right and you have only one view: China great, everyone else bad. I feel sorry for you. I really do. Even if you wake up to reality, you will just realize what an idiot you have been. Well, at least you will grasp reality. Good luck.

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danmanjones's picture

You truly believe everything you say is right

99% I do & can back it up. You're throwing pathetic softballs here.

The other 1% is because I enjoy arguing & pushing your buttons.


China great, everyone else bad

Nope. That's not it. That's your defense mechanism since it's hard to look at the brainwashing you've committed yourself to. Just like RussiaGate you're going to ride this to the end. I admire your stubbornness in a twisted kind of way.


You feel sorry for me & I feel sorry for you. The thing is that you're pushing a bunch of lies & I'm methodically dealing to them, showing how they are lies. You can't cope dude. You're constantly trying to get uder my skin but it's only worked once. It was late, I'd been touristing all day & wasn't in the mood for monkey business.


You on the other hand are repeatedly being triggered by cited information & seem desparate for me to view things in the same way as you do. Why is that?

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monkeymania's picture

Done with you Dinmin. Good luck on improving your wu mao skills. You need more time but you are definitely moving in the right direction. I love the denial of facts, avoiding of the truth, and insistance you are right by backing it up with chicom sources and simple "I'm right so I'm right and you're wrong" concrete analysis. No chance you can keep your China great drivel to a minimum or at least spread it elsewhere? You post the same bullshit constantly, though developing your wu mao skills on a platform with a relatively small number of views might be a good idea.

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Sempaliscious's picture

Danman, I wouldn't bother.. Monkeymania literally never backs up anything with anything concrete.. His go to is "you're brainwashed".. If he's not a non-player character, I literally don't know who that meme is for..

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danmanjones's picture

Cheers, yeah it's a total waste of time. Kind of a challenge to see how efficiently I can bust common myths & tolerate all the trolling angles he throws in at the same time. Plus I've had insomnia lately so he's keeping me company :p

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monkeymania's picture

LOLOLOL The dinmin fact team is out!

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Pantysoaker's picture
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After you get out of college, and begin to age, you will remember how your own people conversed, and see that it is a part of you. The college crowd is trendy, but they are gone out of your life quickly. The native's language is their own, and just be glad that unlike my own Cherokee Native American culture, it has not been bred-out of the nation, or killed off. Be glad your race still exists, and has developed a culture of their own, though it might not be exactly how it was hundreds of yr ago with them. Your native people developed a new culture, but still distinct to their own. I was noting in a comment above that the Cherokees' that live on the reservation have a form of pigeon /pidgin, such as saying 'living on d rez,' for living on the reservation, etc., which while it is not ancient Cherokee language, it is a culture unique to Cherokee's. When there is not many of you left, you realize that preservation of a culture, even if it is a modern version of your culture, is what is important, rather than conforming to European diction, and their grammar. I spent yrs at various Universities, only to find more & more that no matter how much one learns, there is a difference between us and them. Conformity is not what it is cracked up to be, but in order to keep up in society, one has to do a certain amount of this, including continued education. Stay in schol, but don't lose yourself to it. Remember that your people have a form of higher learning, that no European descent has. The survival skills, the knowledge of the land / native plants, wild edibles, the Ocean, that your people have acquired, and retained, in the end will be far more valuable than the BS degree, which are now "a dime a dozen." When starvation hits the world, the Native Americans will have the knowledge to survive. I have learned in my older years to respect my dad's hand made animal traps, and having come from a farm that grew tobacco, as most Native Americans, the years in the city in the Universities caused me to lose site of the value of what my dad knew. I would rather hear my dad talk about hand made rabbit traps, seining the creeks, or my grandmother [now passed away,] talk of how they used narrow dock, broad dock, and other wild plants as food, and used moss for infections, etc. When hard times come, the white people will be the ones hard hit, so be proud of who you are... Your people have knowledge that the textbooks does not cover.

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