Let's talk about possibilities of Ukraine winning conventionally....


sato's picture

both sides have started digging in and it's near impossible to remove an entrenched force. the only way to win in that situation is to prevent the other side from supplying their forces entrenched there, and so this will end one way or another on the sanctions - how firm they are and how long they are maintained will determine how quickly negotiations conclude and thus what conditions are accepted for russia's departure, which could be anywhere between a couple months minimum, all the way into never leaving the positions behind their current lines.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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All sanctions are doing is scaring non NATO nations away from the dollar. Russia and China are offering alternatives.


The Western world is comitting suicide long term with these measures.


They need to back off, stop being death merchants for once, and stop feeding false hope to the Ukrainian conscripts.


Let Russia take it. Obrserve what they do. And if they are trying to revive the USSR. Then smash it with combined might.


The NATO response right now is just making the problem worse, creating a whirlwind of new global problems and drawing out the suffering of those in the conflict.

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sato's picture

how are they scaring non nato nations away from the dollar?


what harm do you imagine is coming to the west long term?


what is the western world doing that constitues them being death merchants?


why just let russia take ukraine? and how do you propose smashing a nuclear-armed ussr?


how and what is it making worse? what new global problems are they creating? how do you figure it's prolonging suffering?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

The sanctions arn't really hurting the Russian government, they are hurting the Russian people. Russia is cutting off exports as a result. Important ones like fertilizer ingredients, gas and wheat. At first glance you would assume that would turn nations away from Russia, but not so. Nations are going to plainly see that NATO doesn't care who suffers by weaponizing the dollar against others.


Because the U.S. refuses to open Keystone and sell their own oil and gas for cheap, the price of oil is inflating. With that everything inflates. Venezuela wont deal with them, Saudi Arabia isn't picking up the phone, and others too. But these nations they are on the phone with Russia and China. Russia is now selling to "non friendly" nation in rubles only. China wants to work out a petro yuan.


Selling weapons and pumping propoganda to a nation full of conscripts that can't win and giving them false hope is being a death merchant, furthermore it will put the nation in huge debt to the U.S. 


"why just let russia take ukraine?" Why not? What are you actually afraid they are going to do? What can't be undone afterwards if ends up being for worse? Half the nation wants to reuinite anyway. Many others are indifferent and just want an end to the conflict. Mostly a radicalized percentage actually want to fight.


"and how do you propose smashing a nuclear-armed ussr?" Once NATO does have to do something, ground and air superiority can be establishmed very quickly. An escalation to nuclear war is not a guarantee,and if things were getting to that point, I imagine a coup within Russia would be increasingly likely to prevent the destruction of the world.


I'd be more afraid of Biden launching a missle in his demntia state or NK launching one at Japan than Russia doing so unless it faced Annihilation - maybe. Really the nuke thing was a bluff, and it worked because no one is willing to call it. It worked because Putin got there first.


"how and what is it making worse? what new global problems are they creating? how do you figure it's prolonging suffering?"


This whole situation dragging out is making everything worse. Combined with the covid response, and monopoly that corperations have been building up on agriculture, we could see a food disaster the likes the world has never seen before. Russia and Ukraine provide 60-70% of the worlds wheat and fertilizer. Most of humanity forgot how to grow their own food so decentralized agriculture is hardly an option, and many third world nations have little or no ariable land anyway. Fuel prices going up because we aren't energy independant any more and refuse to be. And that's not even mentioning the creeping totalitarianism with the west as well, with their own flavor to match china.


This conflict plays right into the desires of the elites of the great reset. That's why let Russia take Ukraine for now, and watch what happens so we can try and get back to normal and rebuild relations with foreign policy through other means.


Waving these sanctions around is affecting more than just Russia, and it's causing market instability and making many nations nervous, especially since the U.S. has a weak president. What Russia and china plan to capitlize on is providing stability in exchange for an exodus away from the dollar.

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stokkebye's picture

Fuck Russia, they are shit army and its showing. If the west keeps supplying those sweet little stingers then Russia is possibly fucked. It was around 60k that died in the USA/Vietnam war, and that was over 20 years. Russia lost 5-15k in weeks. That's a lot of sons, brothers, fathers. 

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danman's picture

Russia's lost around 1350

DPR militia's lost possibly around 2k but no figures have been published.

Ukraine's lost around 10-15k troops, their navy, all of their combat drones, half their air & ground assets & has no way of really using what's left of their airforce any more.

Yeah that's a lot of sons, brothers, fathers. Sucks.

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stokkebye's picture

Defenders can lose many as they see it as a all or nothing fight, aggressors lose support of the populace when casualties start to rise. Im getting the feeling yu are arguing for just the sake of arguing, like a troll. 

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danman's picture

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