the "let's go brandon" crowd expected jfk jr or the sr to show up(both dead)


skeptoid's picture

There's no one like this who lives anywhere within, like, 500 kms of you. Do you ever stop for a second and think about that?

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sal9000's picture
front page

you're only a 155km away

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skeptoid's picture

Ah, good, so you WERE painting a broad picture - you didn't just mean this crowd. You meant all of the people who chant "Let's go Brandon" in a crowd believe that JFK and his son are still alive. How's that retarded going for you?

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sal9000's picture
front page

how retarded? i keep getting an antithesis to my thesis so things are pretty hegel

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skeptoid's picture

You revel in a kind of ignorant sadism, I know. When you post comments, there's a +1 within a few minutes, but users can't rate their own comments. Hi Raining Blood - sorry every time you post a retarded video or make a retarded comment I feel like when I respond to you it makes you feel like you can't post things here for a while. It's kind of a pattern. But to picture my old friend sal sitting there making comments with you on a separate laptop hitting the plus sign each time he replies to me - I can't help but chuckle. I've never revealed this before but I thought you should know.


But, sorry I've strayed - I asked you how you're enjoying it: being deliberately stupid? 

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Raining Blood's picture

i don't vote and i'm only active here during work hours. mon-fri 8-5. outside of that i'm at home with the family.

you spend too much time in a bubble sucking in sal's farts

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skeptoid's picture

I can't believe you actually replied to this, like anything you or sal would say could be taken at face value. Oh look you posted your points listings - case closed. You are dedicated gaslighters and liars - it's built in to your belief system. Deny it. But what's the point of saying anything? What you and he claim about your behavior or beliefs, or mine, and whatever "farts" you throw my way (I suspect you both "fart" constantly throughout the day) have as much credibility to me as a lunatic on a street corner who points at me and screams "Godzilla! Godzilla!"


I really don't think you guys believe me when I say I'm here conversing with you to obtain information about that which must be stopped. That's your primary value to me - for 10 years. I spend 15 to 60 minutes looking at this site, sometimes daily and sometimes every few days. Most of that time is spent in discourse - why do you think that is? Sal says he thinks it's because I'm needy - do you think that's why I spend time here? I spend way more time working YouTube and commenting there, but I think you know that. People who know my record here can take my words with confidence - not so you and sal, and you know that as well. As long as you continue to make this site your clubhouse for externalizing your unaddressed emotional and psychological issues, I will continue to converse with you. Even as sal regularly implies that you both pose some kind of direct threat to me - fart away because the implied threats are useful as well.


Stop being a consumption queen for that twisted religion.

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Raining Blood's picture

you mentioned me by name for some reason. you're the most vocal complaining about the videos people post and how people vote. you're supper needy and the only person that's a danger to you is you

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Watch the Bielefeld video, look in the mirror and then get help!

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skeptoid's picture

Find a new clubhouse for you and your bizarre family to play in.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is what you would like, right?


Get rid of the reasonable and sane people on here and make it a conspiracy fest. Well it almost looks like the site is heading this way. 


Be a little more patient and then don't forget to celebrate hard, it will be the only win for you in your lifetime.

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skeptoid's picture

You and your fraud-inclined family have chased the bulk of the historic usership off this site. You've tried to reproduce here on Spiked what we've seen happen to the legacy media. Your antics, tactics, and behaviors are completely transparent to those who have chosen to stick it out, and you know this is true.  


I have been cooking up something very special for all of you. I hope you like it - I want to restore Spiked to its previous glory. How do you think I might go about doing that?

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sal9000's picture
front page

how you going to restore spiked to its previous glory? you going to leave?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

you are a pompous, self important, deluded little cunt. Good luck anyway.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Elvis is alive too, btw? Did he show?

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