Let Them Get Wiped Out


sato's picture
what they're having trouble explaining and comprehending is, if main street gets "wiped out" they lose everything - their entire wealth and income - but if wall street gets "wiped out", multi-millionaires and billionaires just become $10-millionaires and $100-millionaires, still having most of their wealth and income.
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Woodsman's picture

Yeah the guy hit the nail on the head.  If one of these companies fails, they get go through receivership and usually end up in the hands of the bond holders.  A major employer in my region a few years go got "wiped out" and the shareholders lose out and the bond holders get contol of the company.  Risk of owning shares.  I had one investment get wiped out, fuckin' way she goes!


And I hope to christ they don't even think about helping out cruise lines.  They operate under a "flag of convenicence" which is to avoid paying taxes and regulations.  Oh, you registered your ship in the great nation of Liberia?  Let the Liberian government bail you out then!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Quite some people lose their jobs when a company goes bankrupt, just look at the recent Thomas Cook demise. But essentially he is right, the lesser evil is to let them go in receivership.

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