Kyle is an American Hero


stokkebye's picture

This should be malicious prosecution! Prosecutors need to held liable for this sort of bullshit!

When I was 17 I got jumped and I stabbed 3 of them, the cops knew and hated me, arrested me and charged me. My attorney told me the prosecutor is trying to make the charges stick becuase the cops fucked up and charged me. I had to testify to a grand jury and they ruled it self defense. They never charged the fuckers that jumped me, but at least one of them was walking around on crutches for almost a year! LOL

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stokkebye's picture

The prosecution is getting absolutly spanked, or I should say had got spanked, Im watching a live stream about 3 hours behind. Im about to hear the judge decide whether or not to allow character evidence of the skateboard guy as the prosecutor called the aunt and opened the door saying he was a peaceful man, the defense wants to enter evidence that he threatened to burn his house down with his family inside, put a knife to the throat of his brother and kicked his sister. Doesnt sound too peaceful to me, lol. I gotta say this judge is FUCKING AWESOME!!!

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skeptoid's picture

They have only partly infiltrated the judicial branch, but an acquittal for Kyle is just something to spin outrage out of in the media, which they have almost total control of.

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stokkebye's picture

The fact that the media is NOT covering this is very telling! 

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stokkebye's picture

The guy Kyle shot was a convicted serial child rapist, and they are trying to get the jury to feel sorry for him. WTF!!!

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

"They have only partly infiltrated the judicial branch"


That seems to be the case. I thought it was much worse. 


Stokk is absolutely correct about malicious prosecution.


Judges, Prosecution and Da's would be the first that need to be cleaned for real change. Only once you have clean courts on all sides can you start scrubbing the establishment itself. If things progress bad enough, it may be left in the hands of vigilante justice. 


Any institution created for that purpose can be corrupted. On the other hand vigilante justice would be inconsistent at best.


Whichever way that goes, Once you have clean courts you then have to clean and replace police brass on a county  by county basis. Once you have a properly functioningg police that will cooperate with citizens you can start going after comittees and politians. If you can get clean politians, you can go after Military brass.


Clean military brass, then subject all troops to ideolgical litmus tests. Failure are rejected, and then you have a good foundation laid to protect the people's liberties.


When you have that, you can go after intelligence agencies.


In a war scenario, do those steps backwards.


Blind them. Fight it out with troops to get to the officers, then you can clean the civil system.

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