Jordan Peterson in Rehab

danmanjones's picture

Jordan Peterson seeks 'emergency' drug detox

February 2020. He'll write a book about it soon. Pre-order your copy now!


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lawngnome's picture

Only a small dose of that stuff, 0.5mg of Ativan, will put you through hell when you try to come off of it.


Couple that with a bit of an alcohol dependency and you're in for a mothafuckin roller coaster of a ride.





A year later...


They were handing out benzos like candies for a while there.

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lawngnome's picture


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danmanjones's picture

He was one of the ones handing them out.

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lawngnome's picture

If your kid has a hindering chemical imbalance, aren't you going to want to help them?

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danmanjones's picture

yeah I'd help them, I'd keep them away from quacks like Jordan Peterson

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lawngnome's picture

I'm not even a fan of this guy, you're obviously on the attack today and I'm calling out your BS.


Get some rest, grumpy.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Quackery is in the eye of the beholder, Dan. He's been able to get across some poignant truths about being that helped some people sort themselves out. The fact that he got some snowflakes riled in the process is just a bonus.  More power to him as far as I'm concerned. 

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danmanjones's picture

he's a pseudo-intellectual self-help guru who lectures people about keeping their shit together. Meanwhile he pushes pharma on his patients & goes through a serious drug addiction.


he only got famous for capitalising on the wave of anti-SJW culture around 2017 - just look at how he disappeared since that fad went away. Thankfully his annoying disciples have stfu too.


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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Go clean your room or something, eh  ;-)

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is probably what mummy told him to do and the reason why he is grumpy.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Next time you accept severe medication (from a doctor serving a fucked up health system, one might want to add if he got it perscribed in the US), you better read the section titled "side effects". 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Daffy, in a perfect world - yes. But let's remember that an important segment of people who are prescribed benzodiazepines will already be rather compromised and desperate when they are offered. I imagine it's like reaching out to the first hand extended to you in a hurricane. I hope everyone's malpractice insurance is paid up.  Lawyers, at least, stand to make a lot of money on this. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Probably true for most people but not for peterson. I also doubt he is suffering severe depression considering the other post on the topic which has been contaminated by the pro - contra - china twats......

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