Joe Rogan: ruby ridge


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

3/5 for telling half the story,

-what was wrong with his gun license? 

-the FBI trains itself by simulation, it went completely wrong i agree to that, but his son should not have held let alone shot a gun, they are not old enough to comprehend risks = bad parenting, could result in kids death.

That is what kicked it off.

They were in their legal right to be on that property dressed in any way the FBI wants, it is clearly stated in the federal law.

Seriously what was wrong with the gun license? was it the gun the kid was holding? Did he lose it because the kid was playing with it? Murder suspect? prior violence convictions?

You don't know but the FBI knows everything.

He is being profiled by me as being dangerous and probably insane, just on the information given in this video,

why dangerous? - he had training in killing probably had killed before and had a firearm

why insane? - if you let your child have access to a firearm you are not of sane mind 

It ain't all as black and white like this ex SF guy paints it, he lacks critical thinking probably why he stepped out, or was dismissed.

Now he is doing podcasts :)

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