It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Fascism (A Christmas Carol)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I'll just leave this here:

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

those cry babies should breast feed or milk their fathers, it is just a little shot.

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stokkebye's picture

Says the guy who was on the side calling Trump and everyone who votes for him a litteral Nazi for 4 years, supports a terror group who calls themselves antif-facist. 

Image result for hypocrite meme | Funny quotes, Instagram quotes, Thoughts  quotes

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Please provide quotes of mine to that effect......


How retarded are you actually?

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skeptoid's picture

You are possibly the dumbest bastard I've ever met online. Would you like me to provide you with quotes and sources on that? Holy shit what an idiot.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, of course you would write something like that as you love to make claims about people without the hint of proof in a desperate attempt to discredit them, of course you can't because most on here (as probably irl) don't really take you seriously.

When asked to back up your claims again you can't of course, like the "accuser" here, this just makes you both look more desperate and utterly stupid. 


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skeptoid's picture

Who is being accused? Mass formation psychosis is a societal phenomenon - the only question in this case is whether it was deliberately provoked or not. Is that what you're referring to, idiot?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Are you blind? I was accused of "calling Trump and everyone who votes for him a litteral Nazi for 4 years", which is simply incorrect. Similar to your idiotic claims about me. But hey, we all know who it is coming from, so......

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stokkebye's picture

Treason Stickers on Twitter | Stupid people funny, Witty memes, Funny memes  sarcastic

Sixth Sense I See Stupid People But They Dont Know That Theyre | I see  stupid people, Stupid people quotes, Stupid people

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skeptoid's picture

LOL - you do understand don't you? You sick fuck.


FYI the reason there are four up votes on his comment but the people who commented didn't rate the video is because they saw if they did they'd help put it to the front page. James Lindsay was referring generally to the atrocities of the past century but we can see with these wokeist locusts the self-conscious invocation of the Nazis comes easily. The fact is this is a societal process that Germany went through and that Russia went through and that Cambodia went through and that China went through and that our society is now going through. Sick bastards like this guy know what's going on and they gaslight to help ensure that it comes to fruition. All the while laughing and clowning their way to it like those dudes with the machetes in Rwanda only more sophisticated.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

We are dealing with a crisis if you don't understand that at this point, noone can make you see, extreme situation extreme measures, after 9/11 what freedoms where taken?.. none.. or stipulate the freedoms that where taken to me, when the virus blows over you tell me what you traded in of freedom.. You dont take the shot you dont take the shot simple, but don't come crying when you are refused enterance on someones private property, you traded in nothing that you did not have to, you don't want to be a cop in NY?, start a business from home. imagination is the limit.

You have never been free to do whatever you wanted noone ever did, there are rules everywhere from the cavemen ''don't smear shit on the meat'' to today, ''walk on the sidewalk not in the street'' it is your freedom taken away for your own good, you may like the taste of shit or like to walk in the middle of the road but you will sit in a wheelchair eventualy if you do so, for your own good, IF YOU SEE IT OR NOT

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stokkebye's picture

See the source image

Remember kids: Brevity is the soul of wit!

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page


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skeptoid's picture

"We are dealing with a crisis if you don't understand that at this point, noone can make you see, extreme situation extreme measures, after 9/11 what freedoms where taken?"


Doesn't realize what he just said.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

And it is a question wich you did not answer, what freedoms where taken?

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stokkebye's picture

Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Edward Snowden likes this - Edwardo Snowden | Meme Generator

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

That is one (freedom) i guess...

How about the freedom to come into your home? :)

you guy's talk about freedoms, pleural..

I don't see how this affects good citizens?

Can you explain how it would affect you?

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stokkebye's picture

Have you heard of the term "chilling effect"? 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Have you heard of providing security for the masses or degeneration?

Schools being shot up every few months, murders, drugs, they stormed the capitol to keep it like that.

some ppl have just become to stupid to clearly think, everyone adjust to the weakest links, you don't give a gun to a mongoloid or a drug addict, you take it away from them.

This is just an example, you as a nation are as liable as the weakest links that are part of that nation.

To much freedom never works, clear cut rules where to walk where to stand, we call that the law made by the ppl who the majority elects, the founding fathers where not elected by the ppl

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stokkebye's picture

Columbine happened BEFORE 9/11. Drugs, murder, crime happened before 9/11. WACO, Ruby ridge, Oklahoma bombing, etc...all before 9/11. Perhaps you should look up the "Patriot Act", that was passed AFTER 9/11. Open your eyes and you shall see! Yeah, the USA is a big experiment with the rest of the world watching, the rest of the world used to be being subjugated, like Europeans. 

Byron Auguste on Twitter: ""A Republic ... if you can keep it". - Benjamin  Franklin, July 1776" / Twitter

November 15, 2016 l A Republic If You Can Keep It! | High Frontier


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stokkebye's picture

An artist friend of mine was in NYC using his super 8 camera taking video of some tunnel for his project, cops seized his camera and charged him. Charges got dropped a few months later. Happened a year or two after 9/11. A lot of those 1st A videos of people taking video of police and PD buildings get harassed by cops and more than half use the excuse "this day and age", referring to post 9/11. TSA is another big one. To simply fly on a plane with a private company going through a public building you have to give up your 4th A rights and give in to being searched. Border agents are now allowed to set up "check points" and detain people 100 miles from the border. 

The Constitution in the 100-Mile Border Zone | American Civil Liberties  Union

Need I go into the war on "terrorism" that resulted from 9/11? The CIA toture program? GITMO bay?


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

They can detain anyone anywhere, just depends who you talk to, some ppl are above the law, for a reason, it is not corruption, they just keep things safe, if the enemy start loading the country with nuke cases, imagine every town and city blowing up at once, there would be no protesting about border lines and detaination now would there?

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stokkebye's picture

Oh please, you watch too much hollywood. Has anyone ever been caught with a nuke suitcase? Have much damage do you think one would have? You're reaching now, grasping at straws.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

you realy think the Agency's call the news to report everything they do?

Cold war still go's on pal, you think America has no enemy's? everyone likes them?

The damage you can calculate a small town or city center per suitcase,

23 kg 30 cm by 40 cm = 6 kilotons

and that was in the 60's i am sure they improved by now

Translate it yourself

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stokkebye's picture

So you ARE a Trump supporter! Build that wall! Stop terrorist from walking in with suitcase nukes, right?



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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What if i told you the wall was my idea

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stokkebye's picture

I once picked up a guy hitchhiking, somewhere in the midwest, when I was driving from coast to coast, had a bunch of random shit with him but went into great detail about his radio he had placed on the dashboard and how he communicates to aliens using special crystals. the guy really believed it and I wasnt going to burst his bubble or anything and ask qeustions, I was just bored and didnt really care what the guy was talking about. Was that you?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I have known every president starting with Ronald Reagan, and no the guy with the alien radio was not me i think, but it could be me from the future, how would i know?

Was that around 2008?

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stokkebye's picture

around 2010 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Uhu i know, yes that was me, we where fucking with your head, meaning right now that is, but it started in the past..... and no i did not realy believe i could communicate with aliens trough that radio, i was getting feedback in an earpiece what to say, just for laughs, although i did not see the humor at that point, i do now :)

And it was not a message to you, but a message from my friends in the future to me, now...

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stokkebye's picture

Ahhh, got it. How are them pot fields?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Only scotch now

You don't believe in time travel paradoxes?

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stokkebye's picture

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

That look she gives at the very end,.. I can see why you posted this, Schen.

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danman's picture

The 14 Characteristics of Fascism

Over-protective policies that encroach on civil rights (of everyone) isn't listed.

Protection of corporate power & corruption/cronyism are there, but these didn't just appear with COVID. They're just being applied to the big pharma companies because that's how things go in the "free world".

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stokkebye's picture

Mark Twain quote: History never repeats itself; at best it sometimes rhymes.

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skeptoid's picture

The truth is found by looking at events at the principles layer of analysis. That's what Twain was talking about when he says "rhymes" rather than "repeats". This is what those who react to warning of a civil war with "Where are the muskets and horses, dude?" don't understand. It's amazing to me that people that stupid actually still exist.

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stokkebye's picture

I would wager its intentional. 

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skeptoid's picture

Funny how so many posts like this are just hanging at 9 votes. There are an unusual number of them. And Danman, site administrator, is very active and invested in the comment section of most of them.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Is it a conspiracy? Do we have to worry? Are THEY doing it?

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schenobi's picture

Wasn't expecting such lively discussion. Just a pretty lady with a good voice making a point.

I think we all know at this stage where we stand. What remains to be seen is how this thing plays out.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh yes, we do know where we stand!


We all are pretty frustrated with this situation, and from the start of this pandemic a pattern emerged quite quickly


Fortunately the majority of us are willing to sacrifice some "freedoms" and step up to the plate without hesitation fulfilling their social and civil duties and obligations in order to fight this pandemic.


A few of course always were excusing themselves from this and found mostly irrational excuses not to be part of the solution but rather cowardly aggravate the problem. The further we went into this pandemic the more irrational they became and unfortunately there is no sign of this improving. 


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schenobi's picture

Yeah I'm not doing this with you. See you out in the world.

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stokkebye's picture

South Park - Smug fart sniffer - Album on Imgur

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, a comment worthy of you, Clifford.

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