The Insanity Of Internet In Australia (NBN)


danmanjones's picture

In NZ you can get 200M/20M fibre for $80 per month (USD$60), no install fees.

Ping to USA is ~200 & ~320 to EU though :( :( (about the same as Aus)

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Grothesk's picture

I just so happened to be at the right place at the right time to see your original comment, which was much more robust than this one.  Just curious, why edit all that information out?

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sato's picture

@danmanjones do you guys have download limits too?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Brutal prices. What's up with Australia mate?

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sato's picture

they charge because they can. it's was supposed to be dealt with politically more than a decade ago, but then the party in power switch, and the new party ruined the plan just because it was the other party's plan.

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Lambus's picture

Australia satellite internet is only US$30/month for 15 Mbps.

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