Ice Cream 911

skeptoid's picture

Ice Cream 911

A SpikedNation exclusive. I thought I lost this - my neighbor and I are in tears here. LOL Welcome to Carleton Place..

Average: 2.6 (5 votes)


scruples's picture

There's still 1-2 feet of snow on the ground where I am....fack.

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skeptoid's picture

Fret not - this was made last summer. I thought I lost it. I have an idea to combine this with a few other vids - one of me going through some DVDs of season 1 of "The Apprentice" someone had left on the side of the road with a sign that said "FREE SHIT" on it, overlap the vids in transparency, screw with the pitch on the ice cream truck and the police sirens, and cut in short flashes of the following video to create this really surrealist short film that creeps you out but which you can't look away from:


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scruples's picture

That should be entertaining.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It was snooping around gilmour last summer.


Do you know how fucked up it is to walk around HIGH AF with that music creeping behind you all the way to the store!?

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skeptoid's picture

I upvoted your comment and someone downvoted it. Why do there have to be retards here? I didn't know this ice cream guy had such a large range of operations. He must clean up in the summer.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Unless there is a local fleet of them that play that obnoxious song.


No worries about the downvotes. I love having fans. They get their endorphins from hitting the down vote. I get mine from every key stroke.

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