How to Cure ADD And ADHD Forever

SpikedLegend's picture

How to Cure ADD And ADHD Forever.

I guess this video is pointless being that its over 7 minutes long surprise

Average: 4.5 (4 votes)


GKhan's picture

"I guess this video is pointless being that its over 7 minutes long "

Totally, can someone summarize for me in 10 seconds or less.

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scruples's picture

Meditate, take supplements, vitamin B, Omega 3

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Kingofcroydonia's picture

This guy didn't watch the video. He said huffing butane was the cure.

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester


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troglobite's picture
Beta Tester

Gluten and dairy is absolute shit. I would suggest that you either get checked to see if you are celiac or you can just try to go gluten and dairy free for a month.

But beware, after trying that each time you eat just a minute amout, you will feel like a train has run your brain into a wall. Personnally, if i get glutened from eating in a non safe place, 3 days later i can not get up to go to work. Usually after a day or 2 or 3 sometimes i can go back to work and be somewhat efficient, but for 2 weeks i feel like shit.

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