HK Update - Locals: 1, Terries: 1


The Evil Bat's picture

Can you imagine what it would've been like for the dude in that office at the end?

There you are, just doing your things, maybe your about to go home and wind down after a good days work.

Then suddenly you got a mob outside wanting to get in, smashing your office windows. An eventful evening.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester
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Woodsman's picture

Does anybody have the inside scoop on the HK stuff? As in, not just what the media spreads, but maybe they are from there or have friends and family from there?

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danmanjones's picture

yeah but it's not easy to explain in a single comment

there's a very real economic aspect to the unrest, this article gives an idea:

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danmanjones's picture

I wrote a bit about it in the comments on here:

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Woodsman's picture


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