Guide to North Korea on Left-Tube: Socialism, Defectors, the Western Media... oh and Tankies


danman's picture

decent video, hard to fault it, but he is an American who works with defectors in south Korea so has a certain bias (has he even visited NK or talked to people who have other than defectors?).

if you want a socialism vs capitalist liberal democracy debate, india vs china is better than north vs south Korea IMO since their starting points are more aligned & the pivotal role foreign forces have played in Korea .. but still isn't really fair because they're quite different cultures with completely different history, as well as the role foreign forces have played in each

also, dprk wiped most traces of christianity from their lands & it was glorious >: )

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You make an excellent point. Godless societies are much better at filling body bags than Christian ones.


Science comes in at a close second at killing masses.


State governments using religions and their bought figures as catpaws and scapegoats win 3rd place prize.

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danman's picture

Do you consider the historic British Empire as a godless society?

Nazi Germany?

Imperial Japan?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Their government establishments which generally have the monopoly on violence. Absolutely.


Germany became largely Godless in the mid 18th-19th century, from their it slow faded to near elimination by the 1930's.


Japan never really believed in the true God.


USA Hasn't had God at the center of their decision making in a very long time.


The historic British Empire was mostly catholic, which is a very God less FRONT indeed.


Even with all of those atrociticies combined, they pale compared to the 100's of millions dead because of socialism in the 20th century alone.

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danman's picture

Jesus Christ.

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