Is Goundhog Day Finally Over?

skeptoid's picture

Groundhog Day: 2018

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Average: 3.3 (8 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Cool. Another season of Black Mirror.

I think it Groundhog Day is finally over. The only thing the "Trump-Russia collusion investigation" seems to have turned up is actual evidence of DNC-FBI collusion. And the media isn't going to bang on about that for obvious reasons. Trump approval rating is 49%. This resistence BS will leave mainstream now.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Turn off your TV and don't use the internet. Problem solved. It's all noise anyway.

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Kibernizzle's picture

This right here made me give Black Mirror a chance.  
Skeptoid, dude, thank you. One of the best things I've seen in a long time.


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