gabriel pizza in ottawa, they don't play around


nakedslave's picture

"Get your vaccine or we shoot you"  Nazi Employee at Gabriel Pizza

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skeptoid's picture

You have to search hard, like it's all you do all day long or are part of a fascist network, to find this vid. Keep finding and posting these for the Ottawa area if you can. This is very useful.

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sal9000's picture
front page

you're making it out to be more complex then it is. i visit reddit, worldstar and imgur to see new stuff. almost no time is spent looking for this. only time spent is having to look for postable youtube versions of it

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skeptoid's picture

"to see new stuff"


LOL You're making it out to be much more simple "than" it is. You spend your time driven to find obscure shit like this, with no context, nothing showing us the before or after - just a YouTube title chosen more as a signal than a sincere label (from the persepctive of the poster), less than 500 views and a few scattered comments from hegelian fascist types. These are the trading cards of your sad cult - no one knows better than you I'm guessing how much damage a few dedicated cultists can actually achieve. 

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sal9000's picture
front page

don't have to spend time to find obscure shit. that stuff is found here reddits got a group for everything, you don't have to search for it

new stuff usually has a low amount of views.

if you watch the same video has i do. you're getting the same context as i am. this one was titled something like "anti-vaxxers fucked around and found out".

i don't disagree with the last part. i've had a front row seat. fortunately the only damage the cultists can acheive is self inflicting, i've got to watch everything you thought was going to happen, go the other way. all you can really do now is lash out with buzzwords, you're using up all your "isms" and "ists", that all you're going to have left are "ians"

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