Freedom of Speech for Dummies

Fullauto223cal's picture

Christopher Hitchens - Free Speech

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 4.3 (6 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Hard to fault that speech but I don't agree that religion is the biggest source of hate in the world. It may be the biggest target of hatred.

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sato's picture

are you kidding? religion inspires entire populations to hate others for no reason other than they don't believe in the same religion. most violence in the world today is directly caused by religion.

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danmanjones's picture

most violence in the world today is directly caused by religion.

In the past 20 years most of the death & destruction has been in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, South Sudan & Yemen. Except for Sudan, all of these countries were invaded by foreign powers, mostly NATO+GCC members with a combination of overt & covert tactics. Are you saying religion is responsible for the violence in those countries? 


The conversation was about hate not violence. Hate is just a feeling & is quite harmless.

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sato's picture

they were at war internally for many, many years before the west invaded, and all of them over religious divisions. the first wars in afghanistan were between muslims and hindus, and latter different muslims came and overthrew the muslims who were already there. the current war in yemen is between political parties that represent different versions of islam. in iraq after the british granted independence there were a string of wars and couts, some of which were anti-monarchy but the reason for the anti-monarchist sentiment was that the sultan was a member of a different religious sect. before america invaved the country had years of war between different religious sects, and also with other ountries with different religious majorities such as iran. over 1 million people died in the iran-iraq war which was a religious war.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

We humans like to fight. Religion is nothing more than justification for hate and violence.  It's the same "us against them" mentality that takes different forms. Whenever there are groups that think differently, sooner or later they start to fight.

Cultures, nations, racism, politics. It's all the same.

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sato's picture

sure they may find a different reason to hate, but it's religion that's the best at teaching hate towards "others", and also religion that primes the minds of people to dehumanize the enemy to make war easier to start and more brutal when it does. people much more readily attack a "lesser" people than they will equals.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Funny how one religious group in particular tries to shut down any and all criticism about them (unfounded or not) since the 50ies. 

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Fullauto223cal's picture

And which one is that?

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sato's picture

good point. wish christian countries would bring up blasphemy laws at the UN, to prevent others from talking about a different god since it's hurtful to christians. that'll shut them up.

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skeptoid's picture

I went camping with Germans once. Took them to Algonquin park. They talked about the Jews a lot too.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So what did they say about "the jews"?

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