This fox isn't playing

skeptoid's picture

fox and cat playing together

I think the fox is hunting. I don't want to add darkness to such a cute video, but you should probably know (as I recently learned) that one of the ways foxes grab a meal is to find a naive animal, like a pet cat or dog, or a calf that's wondered a little too far from the herd, and feign a desire to play. When the fox has its "playmate" far enough away from interference, it kills and eats it.

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eh's picture

No question about it. Neighborhood house cats got wiped out over the course of a couple of months and I saw a fox with one in its jaws last summer. That video showed their technique. It probably lulled that cat to sleep and then munched.

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scruples's picture

So you're saying I need to get a fox?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

This fox looks well fed, and no it wouldent eat a cat, a small rabbit at most mice and other rodents chickens birds 

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skeptoid's picture

Or maybe the Fox is well fed because there are lots of cats around. 

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stokkebye's picture

Foxes dont eat cats. They are mortal enemies. Most of the time it is the cats that eat the foxes cubs when they are out hunting.

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eh's picture

Foxes for sure do eat cats. I've never seen a fox kill a cat but I saw a fox with a dead house cat in its jaws.

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skeptoid's picture

Yes the whole time this Fox is "playing" with the cat it's also frequently checking around to see who or what might be watching. We don't see Foxes kill cats because to kill a cat both the Fox and cat have to be unseen. Foxes are really smart - my guess is that a wild fox that stays around an urban area would quickly come to regard cats and small dogs the way they regard a calf. This is a wild fox I'm talking about - our pets have no concept of eating another living thing unless taught to do so, and a domesticated fox would be no different I'm guessing. 

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