Flu Pandemic Inevitable

monkeymania's picture

Why another flu pandemic is likely just a matter of when

Bet they weren't thinking it was just months away. Oh well, at least we have been working hard on preparedness and were ready to fight it...

Average: 4 (4 votes)


Pantysoaker's picture
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10 million people in LA, 5 died of Corona. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SCARYYYYYYYY!

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monkeymania's picture

It's doubling in LA every 4 days. There's this thing called mathematics. Check it out.

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trooper_trent's picture

yep, we have idiots in our neighborhood refusing to change their habits because "it hasn't hit here yet".

Yes... yes it has. there's a 14 day incubation period and the growth curve is identical to the country, is identical to other countries.  It's here, we're just a few days behind.  Texas' cases as I checked it every 3 days (the expected doubling period) went 12, 56, 72, 124, 246, 560, 974, 1400.  That puts us at over 60k by easter sunday.

it's still not clicking with people.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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swine flu infected 1 billion people and killed 500,000 people and nobody gave a shit. Find something to do.

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lawngnome's picture

https://covidtracking.com/us-daily/         <---  Overall US Numbers


https://covidtracking.com/data/            <-----  State Numbers


Go watch that movie, Contagion. That's pretty much what's going on right now and why you shouldn't go outside.



Or, you know what.  Keep on your normal activities of kissing old ladies and men + being a complete jackass. 

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Pantysoaker's picture
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^ gets his medical advise from matt damon

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Pantysoaker's picture
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and there all over 80, not a mtach the board goes back

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MinuteMaid's picture


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