Fake/Toxic Food In China

Boomshackalacka's picture

Fake and Toxic Foods in China | Do You Dare Eat Such Foods?

The recycled cooking oil from sewage systems is kind of........fucking disgusting. It gets more toxic. People abandoning the principles of righteous belief and moral values for profit all with the support of the government? So happy we don't have to worry about that kind of thing.


"This customer has straight up found a condom in there soup"   WOW

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Only in China...

first of all you should not put oil in the drain to begin with, let alone sift it back out to be used any other way then bio diesel

The worst you find here is a snail in a fresh salad

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skeptoid's picture

Look at this idiot probe trying to find a formula.

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danman's picture

Righteous belief lmao. Smells like falun gong.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Nono... these ppl in the video are American actors payed by the American government to make popaganda, it is only logical

Voor eeuwig en altijd bekend als Mr. Spock uit Star Trek | Show | AD.nl

Kind of looks chinese

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danman's picture

yeah he does & also falun gong content is what you've described, in this case with some old footage they're interpreting via narration (acting)

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

That is exactly what it is.. aint no funny business going on in china..

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danman's picture

haha it is Falun Gong



(and yes they are funded by US gov. and the Canadian gov, likely others also)

Proof of US gov funding:

Proof of Canadian gov funding:

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I think it is time for you to take a vacation for a few months or even longer.. go visit China eat some street food fried bats and stuff like that

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