Exploring Banner's Hulk Impotence


Grothesk's picture

I'm pretty sure this is the best movie I've seen this year.  It's emotional, it's intelligent, it presents a threatening and powerful villain, and it was just fun as fuck to watch.

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Cahu's picture

I never liked super hero movies, they seem plotless and boring. So naturally I just skipped this one. I don't know if you're being serious or not about this. Is it objectively a good movie?

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Grothesk's picture

I am not joking.  I actually was sick and tired of super hero movies a few weeks ago but this one is refreshing and ballsy.  To warn you:  there are probably going to be spoilers in future comments here and this movie delivers quite a punch. 

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backdraft's picture
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Groth don't over hype it. It's good, but it's still just a superhero movie.

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hellyeah's picture

Nope just seen it for the second time, as comicbook adaptations goes and seeing how this thing was in development over the last ten years its a Thanos damn motherfucking masterpiece............right Benedict?
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor masterpiece gif

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