Excess deaths still up

backdraft's picture

International excess deaths

I forgot to add a description!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

It is an unhealthy generation, coming of age, could be due to poisons like DDT that show it's effect with a massive delay. Look at the excess deaths of bees a few years back, they found it was poison. In the meanwhile you can't buy a bottle of water anymore without fluoride in it. Go figure

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

If they found a cause why the bees started dying they should find out why people are dropping dead around the globe. Are they looking though?    

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

They found why the bees were dying and pulled the fertilizer or pesticide out of circulation, can't remember wich one.

For humans it would be way more difficult to find what is causing it because it could be exposure to one kind of Tupperware plastic that caused a genetic defect 40 years ago, DNA reacts like clockwork, i could figure out in a week what caused it, but i am not getting paid for it.

Or Russia is sending poison with the wind....

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Don't think it's any harder for humans. We actually have protocols for this, just have to look what are the common dominitators among the dead vs healthy. Can't be something that has a huge lag like 40 years because it effects all age groups, meaning it has to be something recent. 

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Dicknutz's picture

They have been working with coronavirus since 1965. They knew they couldn't make a vaccine for it in 1990. They had the "vaccine" (bioweapon) in 2002. This was planned, and it ain't over.

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danman's picture

first thing to look at would have to be food.

western diet is utter garbage.

fun fact: "white people food" has been trending in China, it's frickin hilarious.... eg.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I don't think anyone actually eats these lunchables

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danman's picture

I used to eat them in highschool & quite liked them haha.

It goes beyond those though .. some highlights are on Twitter - https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WhitePeopleFood&src=typed_query

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jdt73's picture

the excess deaths are by design and that is why the WHO is not interested.

Just keep taking those booster shots everyone, trust the 'science'

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sal9000's picture
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i'm pretty sure that everyone pushing this excess death thing thinks it means people died and we don't know why when it actually means more people died of things than what was expected. so when these people are talking or emphasizing that vaccines are the reason for excess deaths. they actually mean the vaccines are responsible for more kids dying after they got hit by a car while riding their bike

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Its compared against a 5-year average and it's usually pretty consistent. Somethings gotta account for the extra deaths. 

Don't know what it is, but there was covid and then there was covid vaccines. Two good candidates that happened on a global scale.  

I think more interesting is the fact that nobody is talking about this. During covid, the death numbers were blasted on the media constantly.  

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sal9000's picture
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the difference is covid death numbers show how many people died from covid, that we know and that we can prove. excess deaths numbers is basically a talking point, its a broad term used to describe a culmination of deaths and you're basically asking why aren't we aren't specifically looking at vaccines as being the reason. you're not asking anyone to look into why, specifically, more people died from hypothermia. not why more people died while driving and texting. you just want to go "more death, is it the vaccine?" without actually looking into it anything. i'd say that the whole excess deaths thing is an attempt at justification for not taking the vaccine. you know what nobody is talking about, the excess life. we got a whole bunch of people that would be dead if it wasn't for the new policies instituted in hospitals, hospice and nursing homes. were literally at a point where a fart kills an entire floor of seniors



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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

"excess deaths numbers is basically a talking point"


It's data that can be compared to earlier years.  No point really arguing about numbers. It's simple, more people seem to be dying than in earlier years. 


"you're basically asking why aren't we aren't specifically looking at vaccines as being the reason."


I'm not even asking that.  What ever the reason, it would be nice to know.  


Heres some stats based on the cause of death in England. Before you watch, try to guess what causes are going up.

Is it kids getting run over by cars, or people texting and driving?






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sal9000's picture
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its dr john, he's going to misrepresent a study for an audience that wont look into anything he says nor the actual study he's referencing


so, the whole point of the study he's reading from, is to gauge how many people would have died, had the pandemic not happened


i'm going to show you what he didn't, which are the graphs that are suppose to accompany the ones he showing.


you'll notice the dark black bars stay generally the same. thats because the amount of people who died from a specific causes stayed the same. the grey bars are mentions of diseases in death certificates but aren't the reason for death. so if someone with cancer gets hit by a car while riding a bike. its counted here











hard not to notice the seasonal death increase close to january. some would say its cause of winter, people aren't as mobile during the cold months. other would say its cause of an experimental gene therapy that makes you magnetic and kills you during the winter time. 50/50 i guess....

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

"the grey bars are mentions of diseases in death certificates but aren't the reason for death. so if someone with cancer gets hit by a car while riding a bike. its counted here"


So what you're trying to say is that for example, all the people in the "heart failure" section died from something other than heart failure and the actual heart failure is a non-issue?


It just means they also had other underlying conditions.  Not uncommon that there are multiple contributing factors to death.  You can die from the flu because youre old and your heart gives out.  Technically you can say the cause of death is the flu. Or the other way around, it's heart failure and not mention the flu at all.


  "hard not to notice the seasonal death increase close to january. some would say its cause of winter, people aren't as mobile during the cold months."


Yeah its weird. More people die during the flu season.  Liver cirrhosis seems to be way up, maybe people are just drinking more now. 


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