The End Of Smoking!

monkeymania's picture

Why The End Of Smoking Is Complicated

The FDA is ready to end smoking. The plan is set that will bring smoking from 15% - 1%. Then a letter comes out explaining why that plan may have to wait...but, there's money to be made with vaping so, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY baby!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Vapers are annoying. 


vaping if not used for quitting nicotine intake in the long run is not treating the desease but enabling addicts.


In public the same restrictions must apply to vapers as they do to smokers. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Hey a 6 year vaper here :) 


Nicotine isn't really that harmful. Nicotine alone is comparable to caffeine.

It's the tar and all the other hundreds of other chemicals that kill you. 


Edit: Didn't watch the whole thing before replying.  They go over this in the video.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Nicotine is way more addictive than caffein, it is actually on par with heroin.


The health issue I was referring to is a mental, not a physical one. Hence it is enabling addicts. 

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sato's picture

daft is correct. those reports that say nicotine is less harmful deliberately exclude all the effects.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Never tried heroin but I highly doubt it on the same level. I'd say even sugar is way more addicting than nicotine (and also deadlier). 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

If nicotine would be remotely in the league of coffee you would not need the vape substitute for quitting fags.

Just try it yourself in alternating weeks:
1 week ​​no caffein, a week break, 1 week no (added) sugar, a week break, 1 week no nicotine. 

I predict the last week will be the hardest by an enormous margin*.

There are of course personal differences, this is why casual smokers, drinkers, drug users exist, however, if this were the case with you, you would not vape (assuming your vape contains nicotine). 


From your previous "openness" on issues you disagree on I guess you of course will decline.....


* Talking from experience. I quit smoking 20+ years ago with nicotine chewing gum as a fag substitute. For me it was a 3 stage experience:

  1. Have a decisive moment in life (with me it was when the sister of a friend died of lung cancer)
  2. Get rid of the habit of having a fag whilst still getting a "fix", BUT only after deliberate action (i.e. chewing gum)
  3. Gradually reduce nicotine intake by using less and lower nicotine content gum 

The real "addiction part" of that process I experienced months after quitting even the gum:
I had a difficult task in front of me, one a smoker would typically light a fag before starting. Unfortunately I had some gum left so I decided to chew this instead. Bad mistake! I had a craving for a fag for many weeks after that. Fortunately I did not return to the old habit.


It is true, btw, that the ability to concentrate increases in smokers once they light a fag (or vape), however, it will only increase to the level a non smoker would be on already under the same circumstances.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I didn't mean caffeine is as addictive as nicotine, but the effect of these substances are similar as are the health issues it causes which are mild to nonexistent. Both are mild stimulants that excite the central nervous system.  IMO the addiction is a non-issue if it doesn't cause major health issues.  


I drink coffee irregularly. Sometimes I go a week without any, sometimes I drink it daily. I don't get any urges to drink it, I just enjoy it after a meal. If drink 2 cups a day it makes feel like shit. For me it doesn't cause any addiction but I've heard from many people that they get headaches if they miss their daily caffeine fix. 


Vaping for me is mainly a psychological addiction but I'm not denying the nicotine plays a big part in it too. (I go with pretty low nic levels these days 6mg or so). I've smoked since I was 15 to the age of 30 and vaping from thereon, I'm 36 now. So yeah I'd say the habit is well embedded in me. The most I've gone without nicotine is one day and I didn't get any physical symptoms. Just the urge to suck something into my lugs. I've stocked up on nicotine pretty good, but I've made a promise that once it runs out I'm quitting this too.


I'm absolutely addicted to sugar. Although I eat healthily and exercise regularly I've been unable to ditch that addiction. It's the one thing I actually get withdraws from. Refined sugar is poison. -> see muricans.


While we're on the subject of addictions one thing I'm trying to kick is sitting in front of the screen for hours on end every day. In the long run, it's actually pretty bad for your brain.  

Wanna try a week without the internet and see how you feel? Substitute it with exercise or some other hobby.  




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danmanjones's picture

why should vaping be restricted in public?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Not general in public just wherever smoking is prohibited.

Do you want to sit in a restaurant and enjoy your meal with the people at the next table vaping or smoking? Or watch a movie through clouds of smoke and "aroma", or sit on public transport? I sure as hell don't.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

If you want to quit, just build it down and quit, it's not that hard.

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