Duel - Full Movie


eh's picture

Baddass Plymouth Valiant going toe-to-toe with a Peterbilt truck. Spielberg's second movie. Movie is Duel. The Duel is a 2010 Russian remake of Duel.

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daftcunt's picture
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One of the most annoying and idiotic movies ever. Even with a shabby 60-70ies american car you are easily outrunning any truck (especially with a trailer) of the period and most unmodified modern ones. 


Peterbilt 281 top speed is 74mph, a Plymouth Valiant with a small engine will do at least 100mph. add a few curves and inclines and the truck is never to be seen again in your rear view mirror.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL You didn't watch it - all of what you wrote is embarrassingly wrong given the context of the film. You have to stop doing that bud.

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daftcunt's picture
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TBH I watched it once sometime back in the 70'ies on german TV.

Of course these technicalities is not what the movie is about but there are too many fundamental flaws to make the movie credible and thus enjoyable, at least for my taste. The "fast and furious" movie is in the same category. Others were kept nailbiting on the edge of their seats, I couldn't stomach even half.


Good movies (i.e. not enough flaws to spoil them), of the era were for example Westworld and Futureworld and of course my all time favourite Silent Running (despite explosion sounds in space and unexplained gravity). 

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eh's picture

Not much to argue. It was an early 70's TV movie with an almost first-time director, low budget, thin plot, and was never an Oscar-winning attempt. I liked it for some reason when I watched it years ago. Of course, I was just a tyke. Something about the 1960 Peterbilt 281 tanker truck was menacing and baddass.

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skeptoid's picture

My point is that they address the slightly supernatural quality of the truck during the film - the dude in the Plymouth tries to outrun it on downslopes with tight curves and the fact that the truck keeps pace is part of the horror. He screams "How can you keep up with me!!??" So the surreality of the truck's maneuverability and speed is built into the plot and theme of the film. 

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daftcunt's picture
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Yep, like I said, same as fast and furious when they adjust the engine settings on a laptop lying on the passenger seat to get a huge boost whilst running a dragrace down acitty street packed with onlookers. 


It is simply not implemented well enough to be credible. In many, many movies and TV series they made a way better job of it.


Take Mad Max for example. A B movie. Anyone with a basic understanding of how an engine works knows that a "switch on/off" compressor is technically not sensible (or feasible for that matter), still, I am pretty certain NOT one (petrolhead) engineer gave a flying fuck (me included) when (repeatedly) watching the movie.  

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