Droppin N's on ESPN


vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Oh man. What should we do to her? Get her fired, call her racist, lynch her? Or maybe we should stop being nigger faggots about it.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Post a video how you do it in front of black people. 

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Ok. Then you can post yourself calling people Nazi's.








I guess I'm just a bad goy.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Again, you must be confusing me with someone else. I haven't used the word nazi one time when talking to you.


Is this you on the video?  No, it's not. You don't have the balls to do this. I'd actually have a lot more respect for you if you did, but you're just a pussy hiding behind the screen typing "nigger, nigger" like a 5 year old who just learn a new swear word.

Stop being a faggot and post that video. Live up to your beliefs.


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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Did you like the videos of guys calling niggers niggers to their faces? Calling them chimps and she-boons? lol. This is what you are advocating and I think it's great. Spread your message far and wide. Let's all call the shit skins niggers to their faces and kick their asses if they object. Backdraft has great ideas.


The new N-word is Nazi. You should be hurt if you say that. If you say that to someone they have every right to fuck you up and destroy your life. If the head of Papa Johns said Nazi we should have him fired, if an athlete says it then they should be fined tens of thousands of dollars. Make Nazi the new evil word in the same way faggots did it to the word nigger.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

"This is what you are advocating and I think it's great. Spread your message far and wide."


Well I think its retarded but what can you do. Thats what retartds do. Still, I have more respect to those who actually dare to say it out loud than those who coward behind the screen. Even with this guy, I bet self censoring kicks in magically when he's surrounded by a pack of black guys.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

You're not getting it man. It works both ways when you advocate for violence. So far blacks are killing whites way more than the other way around but intelligent white people are waking up and getting pretty mad about it. We are sick of being raped and murdered while lefty fags say it's our fault. There is going to be a switch at some point and whites are very good at taking territory. If you side with the raping and murdering niggers I don't think the future is very bright for you.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

No you don't get.

We could just as well be arguing that being an asshole to others isn't productive in the long run. I'm not really advocating for violence, rather I'm trying to show that being an asshole has consequences, while you somehow expect that there shouldn't be any consequences for acting like an asshole. You think you are somehow justified in your assholiness.

Assholes are generally pussies. I know it sounds weird but trust me on this. When put on the spot they all of a sudden dont have anything to say.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

What is your solution for blacks in America raping and murdering and robbing and assaulting and abusing white people at very high rates is? How many black women were raped by white guys last year and how many white women were raped by blacks?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Whats your obsession with black crimes? Other races commit crimes too you know. 

Did you grow up in a poor neighborhood with a lot of black people?  I'm pretty sure thats the reason your so obsessed.


Well I don't have a 100% solution for crime but you could look to countries with low crime rates and study how their institutions differ from Americas. I equate crime with being poor, and America does have a lot of poor people and a shitty social welfare compared to say some European countries. 

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

All over the world blacks commit violent crimes at much much higher rates than whites. I've asked you about six times but I'll ask again. Name a good, low crime black Country or city anywhere in the world. As you know they don't exist yet you advocate to bring more and more blacks into white communities and increase the number of rapes and murders in those communities. You are an evil bastard. I on the other hand advocate the opposite. Keeping the blacks with the blacks and the whites with the whites. There will still be crime in white communities after segregation but at much much lower levels. 


I'm not even calling for the separation of the races to be a violent one. I'd like a peaceful solution but you advocate for violence, which is wrong. Forced integration has already been very violent, I think the separation will be violent too, but we could at least try to do it in a nice orderly way. With people like you out there spreading lies and hate I think the divisions between the races will grow and in a confusing way since many will think that blacks and whites are exactly the same, except blacks can run faster and jump higher right backdraft? If we could get the truth out that there are major differences and the races are incompatible with one another then we could talk about peaceful resolutions to our problems, which I would say is making Homelands for the different races. Places where each race can live in peace from the others, which is how it's been for most of history and segregation is still the norm today.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

You should take you theories up with the Nobel price winners.  Till you do, I'll just have to side with science.



Do you actually believe that there are no individuals? Like all black people are all the same?



BTW you keep dodging my question about your obsession ->  Did you grow up in a poor neighborhood with a lot of black people?  

I think you don't want to answer since it's true.   Just proof what I've been saying, your experiences and surrounding largely determine what kind of person you become.   Pretty sure if you grew up in different circumstances, you wouldn't be so hateful towards other races.



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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Of course there are individuals, but isn't it strange when you get a bunch of individual blacks together they destroy their environment? When you get a bunch of individual whites together they build great civilizations and this has been the case for thousands of years and is still true today. 


I grew up in several different countries and in several different economic levels and racial demographics. Isn't it amazing that the best places were the whitest ones and the worst were the blackest ones? I have seen first hand that blacks are not the same as whites and I can also look to statistics and data that reinforces my personal experiences. Have you lived in a black neighborhood before?


I used to think that blacks just needed more education and resources and they would end up just like whites with the same level of resources and education, but I was wrong. We throw tens of thousands of dollars a year at black kids and they still come out retarded. We provide them housing, food, electricity, clean water, money, clothing, medical care and everything else but they still grow up violent and as drains on society. How much money have white people spent on trying to uplift Africa in the past 100 years? Trillions?


One of the big wake ups for me was that I used to advocate for socialism and I would use Sweden as an example of how well socialist countries can perform. At that time I didn't really think about race and definitely not the racial makeup of an area. Of course Sweden was like 99% white when it was the best place on earth to live but guess what? The jews tricked them into letting black and brown people in and giving them the same treatment as high tax paying white Swedes. Do you know how the niggers repaid the Swedish people? They made Sweden the rape capitol of Europe. Wasn't that nice? Now Sweden is on the decline and no longer an example of excellence. They now have gang violence, social unrest, irreconcilable political problems. and all the other blessing that racial diversity brings.


I grew up loving Detroit, Motown right. I loved cars and Michael Jackson. But in my adult life I learned what happened to Detroit and why it is a shithole now. It was the demographic replacement of the whites. I looked into many other cities where the whites were replaced by blacks and it's the same story every time. I looked into white countries that were taken over by blacks and those stories are even more horrific. Check out Haiti.


You know that black people suck, yet you cope by reading jewish funded "studies" and see who the jews have given the latest bullshit award to. It is so clear that blacks and whites don't mix well that I find it impossible that you can't see it yourself. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

" Of course there are individuals "


So there can be good black people but we still put all of them in the "bad niggers rapist category" because it's easier that way?  Same with the jews. Doesn't matter if it a rich media mogul or some poor farmer jew, it's a jew. 


All you make is generalizations, so I really don't see you thinking as people as individuals. All you see is color and that determines everything.  No nuance at all. 


If the nobel prize winner isn't convincing enough then you really need to make your own evidence based papers on the subject, where you show how you are right and they are wrong.

Really quite comical how anything that can't be explained is just blamed on the Jews :D. Not sure if you're being serious but it certainly is entertaining.   


" I grew up in several different countries and in several different economic levels and racial demographics. "


So thats where you learned to hate back people. Living in poor conditions with them?


I agree that Sweden has done a shitty job with immigration. Way too much and way too quick.

It's got nothing to do with color though and everything to do with taking a shit load of people from totally different cultures and just packing them into cities all in the same place where they have ZERO possibility of integrating with Swedish culture. They just hang out with their own and collect welfare. It's no wonder it's a mess. 

Then there are ones that do integrate. They are dropped in the middle of white Sweden in a small towns, so they have no choice but to interact with the locals, learn the language and the culture. These ones actually become a productive part of society.   



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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

I'll respond to the rest later but really quickly, where do you think the US dollar comes from? Who do you think owns the federal reserve bank? Let's start there and work our way through how "science" is done and how organizations are made. 

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Of course there are good black people. There are blacks that are better than me. There are blacks that are smarter than me. There are blacks that are better fathers than me, but that's not the norm among blacks. The average black is worse than me. The average black is worse than the average white person. The average nig is dumber than the average white, by a lot. The average nig rapes more, murders more, steals more, assaults more, litters more, aborts more babies, eats more humans than the average white. We don't want them around.


Look up Brother Nathaniel if you want to see what a good jew is like. There are others but again on average they are evil, scamy bastards.


I don't consider Nobel prizes or Pulitzer prizes inherently a good endorsement of a study or book. There are a lot of politics involved in their prizes and it is heavily influenced by jews. Sometimes they pick the right person but often it's just to push an agenda.


I have provided such amazing evidence. The fact that there is no nice, low crime, successful black place on planet Earth is pretty strong evidence in my favor. The fact that nice, low crime, successful white places existed but once blacks took over they became a shit hole like every other black place on planet Earth is also very very good evidence of this. The fact that you know this to be true but act like it's all explained by blaming whitey is very comical. Hahaha, lol. Good one.


I didn't start to have a conscious prejudice against black until long after I lived with them. I knew right away that they were dumb and violent, but I thought it was just the ones I was around and all they needed was compassion and an education, then they would be just like whites. After I moved back to the USA as a kid I lived in a low income racially diverse area for about a year. The first week I lived there I played football with the local kids and it was fun. I even remember really liking the black kids personalities. They are often very confident and outgoing with a good sense of humor. They were also good athletes, as was I, so that was all good. By the end my first week back in the USA the coolest black guy had stabbed two of the other niggers to death. It was self defense because they were strong arm robbing him so nothing against him, and I fully endorse defending yourself when niggers are robbing you, but I think that is a good anecdote about life around niggers. It just isn't conducive to a civilized society. 


After a year we moved out of that racially diverse area to a white neighborhood about five minutes away and there were no longer people being stabbed and robbed around me. It's amazing white a five minute drive into a white area will do for a persons standard of living. Those dumb niggers had all the same opportunities that me and the other white kids had they just didn't use them to their advantage like white people do. It was much later in my life that I noticed the pattern that it didn't really matter what environment you provided for the niggers, in what country, in what neighborhood and what schooling you gave them, the vast majority just grew up to be useless fucks. Again, this is the same story everywhere on planet Earth. The Swedes couldn't even make it work for them.


I wonder why you think the Swedes did such a bad job with their immigration? Do you think they are dumb? Do you think they were naive? Do you think they were tricked? Why would they make their country the rape capitol of Europe by bringing in blacks and browns the way they did? I'm sure it couldn't be due to the influence of the global banking cartels, no no no.


I see that you have noticed a pattern. When you put one nigger in a sea of whites that one nig will do ok, not exceptional, but may actually be a productive member of society. Why do you think that is, and what do think happens down the road when that same area becomes blacker and blacker? Why are whites so inviting and accepting of niggers in their societies at first, but start to have grievances later? 


Maybe you are just where I was at like twenty years ago. I highly recommend studying every place on planet Earth that went from majority white to majority black. If you want to publish your findings in a scientific journal, I think that would be great. Just make sure you are being honest with your findings and honest with yourself. Don't rely on others to tell you what is true, you have all the skills needed to do your own research, just as I did. I think what you find will be eye opening for you.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Of course there are good black people. There are blacks that are better than me. There are blacks that are smarter than me. There are blacks that are better fathers than me, but that's not the norm among blacks. The average black is worse than me. The average black is worse than the average white person. The average nig is dumber than the average white, by a lot. The average nig rapes more, murders more, steals more, assaults more, litters more, aborts more babies, eats more humans than the average white. We don't want them around.


Look up Brother Nathaniel if you want to see what a good jew is like. There are others but again on average they are evil, scamy bastards.


I don't consider Nobel prizes or Pulitzer prizes inherently a good endorsement of a study or book. There are a lot of politics involved in their prizes and it is heavily influenced by jews. Sometimes they pick the right person but often it's just to push an agenda.


I have provided such amazing evidence. The fact that there is no nice, low crime, successful black place on planet Earth is pretty strong evidence in my favor. The fact that nice, low crime, successful white places existed but once blacks took over they became a shit hole like every other black place on planet Earth is also very very good evidence of this. The fact that you know this to be true but act like it's all explained by blaming whitey is very comical. Hahaha, lol. Good one.


I didn't start to have a conscious prejudice against black until long after I lived with them. I knew right away that they were dumb and violent, but I thought it was just the ones I was around and all they needed was compassion and an education, then they would be just like whites. After I moved back to the USA as a kid I lived in a low income racially diverse area for about a year. The first week I lived there I played football with the local kids and it was fun. I even remember really liking the black kids personalities. They are often very confident and outgoing with a good sense of humor. They were also good athletes, as was I, so that was all good. By the end my first week back in the USA the coolest black guy had stabbed two of the other niggers to death. It was self defense because they were strong arm robbing him so nothing against him, and I fully endorse defending yourself when niggers are robbing you, but I think that is a good anecdote about life around niggers. It just isn't conducive to a civilized society. 


After a year we moved out of that racially diverse area to a white neighborhood about five minutes away and there were no longer people being stabbed and robbed around me. It's amazing white a five minute drive into a white area will do for a persons standard of living. Those dumb niggers had all the same opportunities that me and the other white kids had they just didn't use them to their advantage like white people do. It was much later in my life that I noticed the pattern that it didn't really matter what environment you provided for the niggers, in what country, in what neighborhood and what schooling you gave them, the vast majority just grew up to be useless fucks. Again, this is the same story everywhere on planet Earth. The Swedes couldn't even make it work for them.


I wonder why you think the Swedes did such a bad job with their immigration? Do you think they are dumb? Do you think they were naive? Do you think they were tricked? Why would they make their country the rape capitol of Europe by bringing in blacks and browns the way they did? I'm sure it couldn't be due to the influence of the global banking cartels, no no no.


I see that you have noticed a pattern. When you put one nigger in a sea of whites that one nig will do ok, not exceptional, but may actually be a productive member of society. Why do you think that is, and what do think happens down the road when that same area becomes blacker and blacker? Why are whites so inviting and accepting of niggers in their societies at first, but start to have grievances later? 


Maybe you are just where I was at like twenty years ago. I highly recommend studying every place on planet Earth that went from majority white to majority black. If you want to publish your findings in a scientific journal, I think that would be great. Just make sure you are being honest with your findings and honest with yourself. Don't rely on others to tell you what is true, you have all the skills needed to do your own research, just as I did. I think what you find will be eye opening for you.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

" I have provided such amazing evidence. "


You sound more and more like Trump. You have only provided rambling anecdotes that are clearly tainted by hate and fear.  You dismiss all the other variables that we talked in the other tread. All you see is color.  But I can't help you with this if you just want to deny science.  


" I wonder why you think the Swedes did such a bad job with their immigration? Do you think they are dumb? Do you think they were naive? "


I don't know, and I don't really care, but let me guess. It was the jews again.  I bet if you stump your toe you could blame it on the jews. 

Thats kinda of a classic paranoia state where all the wrongs in the world can be pinned to a certain group of people. I guess this belief is what enables the hate and dehumanization of billions of "wrong color" people.

So you actually think Hitler was on the right track? If he could have just gassed most if the Jews the world would be so much better?


" I see that you have noticed a pattern. When you put one nigger in a sea of whites that one nig will do ok, not exceptional, but may actually be a productive member of society. "


And I think this is the closes we will get to you admitting that culture and the environment where you grow up in largely determine what kind of person one will grow up to be. 








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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Every majority black place on Earth is a nasty shit hole. How is that anecdotal? It's the opposite of anecdotal. You are the one who keeps asking about my life specifically. 


Why do you think every nigger place on Earth sucks? Are you going to blame whitey?


The holocaust is mostly made up nonsense. Hitler wanted to resettle the jews in Africa, he was going to use German taxes to do it but the jews wanted war instead. Listen to the Hitler Speech I uploaded a month or so ago to get his reasons why he didn't want them in Germany anymore.


It's not that a nice white area can make a nigger into a nice person, it's that when there is only one they have to conform to the rules and norms of the area, but once the niggers get to a critical mass they will revert back to their natural state and destroy that place unless they are gotten rid of. Try to find me any place on earth that got to 20% nigger and became a better place after that. We already know that once they get to 90% there is no hope of a civilization. Detroit is a great place to start if you can't think of a place but there are many American and other white cities that have been absolutely wrecked by even a minority of niggers in the population. They are awful. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

" Every majority black place on Earth is a nasty shit hole. How is that anecdotal? "


It is. You take your experiences or rather interpretation that black people = shit and expand it in the most simplistic way to cover the whole world.

Anyway, you have your beliefs and I theres no evidence you would listen to because you can just blame the jews for everything that doesn't fit.  Were going in circles again, so lets leave it at that.


" It's not that a nice white area can make a nigger into a nice person, it's that when there is only one they have to conform to the rules and norms of the area "


Well at least you acknowledged that that the environment has an impact on what kind of person they become. Maybe you still have some hope. 

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Tell me your favorite 90% or more black place on earth and what the crime statistics are like there. 


You can force a nigger to behave when you have power over him. Once the niggers get power they act just like every other nigger in the world. It does not matter what environment they are in. Africa, Sweden, America, France, Germany, Japan, Samoa, Haiti, Canada. The niggers behave the same in all of those places. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Power over him?

Quite twisted way of looking at things but don't know what I expected from a man with these ideologies

They learn by example as do ALL humans.

You really need to think about this because this is what our discussions really boil down to. Environment dictates human behavior to a large degree. Very simple concept that is hard for you to reconcile in this race theory of yours.


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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

What about the environment of Detroit when it was one of the most successful and greatest cities on Earth made the niggers that moved there all turn into retarded, violent, lazy monkeys?


Then find what it is about the environment of every place on Earth that makes the niggers all end up in the same place. At the bottom. It doesn't matter which, continent, which country, which city, or which civilization. Niggers always end up as the most violent and least intelligent group everywhere they go and everywhere they have been. 


Whites have done well in Africa, in the same environments that the blacks lived in for tens of thousand of years and did nothing with. Why?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

" Whites have done well in Africa, in the same environments that the blacks lived in for tens of thousand of years and did nothing with. Why? "


How retarded are you? It's no wonder you believe what you believe.  You think I'm talking about climate or some shit?


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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Just answer the question.


What is it about blacks that make it that everywhere they go they are the least successful race?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Same reason there are poor asian countries, poor latin countries and African countires that are not ruled by sub-saharan races (As you pointed out these are not real black people)

The video I posted which I'm sure you watched explains many of these things.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

But that is different than the black problem. When Asians go to America or Europe, they are often the most successful race in those places. When whites go to Africa or Asia they do really well. But when blacks go anywhere they always do the worst. Do you see the difference? Can you explain why that is the case?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

A lot of it comes down to the kind of culture they come from. We've been over this many time. Were just going in circles again.  


For example take second generation black people in Sweden that have lived among whites their whole lives. If they move to another country, they will do mostly as good as a white person would, though they are a bit disadvantaged if they encounter people like you at job interviews who think they are dumb automatically based on skin color.


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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

I love examples. Thanks for giving one. Do you have any evidence that a black person who was born in Sweden will perform similarly on tests and in the workforce as a fully ethnic Swede? 


My evidence shows the opposite. No matter how long a black person has lived in Sweden or America or Japan or Africa, they, on average, perform worse on tests and in the economy than whites and Asians.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Yes there is evidence that when you take into account factors like culture (which wouldn't be much of a factor in second generation black swedes) they are on average no different than any other race. We have determined that skin pigmentation does not correlate with IQ. 

But again we are going in circles and over the same things as before so lets just leave it at that.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

This is the whole crux of the situation though. Can you show me something about black Swedes just inventing cell phone technology or aircraft or automobiles like the ethnic Swedes do? Swedish people are very high IQ and accomplished. What percentage of black Swedes end up in the highest levels of society?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

You're just going to have to do your own research. I'm not going to spoon feed the papers for you to just ignore then because of jews or some shit.  Instead of looking for some weird stats like how many black swedes invented cell phone tech, you can just stick with race and intelligence and what science has to say about it. Theres a good deal of research on that. 

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

I've done my own research. It shows that the ethnic Swedes are incredible people that can compete on a global level in things like technology and engineering. I don't see any evidence that the ethnic Africans that live there are helping out in any way. In fact they are raping, stealing and collecting welfare at levels much much higher than the ethnic Swedes. 


Do you have any evidence that the blacks are doing well in Sweden?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll


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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

" I've done my own research. It shows that the ethnic Swedes...."

No I mean research in race and intelligence. Once you have a solid understanding on that you can investigate the social issues that cause crimes. 


" Do you have any evidence that the blacks are doing well in Sweden? "

No I haven't looked into that, but I do have tons of evidence that skin color isn't the cause of crime and violence. Social issues are.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Why do blacks have the same social issues on every continent, every country, and every city on Earth?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

All black people have the same issues? Oh really didn't know that.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

You didn't know that blacks are the poorest and most violent group everywhere in the world? I keep telling you and I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge. What about the Earth makes that the case everywhere they go?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

No, I didn't know every black person was poor and violent. Well, ok then.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

No, not every black person but in every country in the world the blacks, as a group, perform the worst. 


They are the lowest class in America, in Europe, in Asia, and they have made all of sub-Saharan Africa low class.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Ok, lets try and figure out why. We already have evidence that theres no differences in intelligence between races. What other factors could there be?

Could racism be one factor?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

So black people, as a group, are poor and violent, but run and jump really well, all over the world because of racism?


Swedish racism? American racism? Chinese racism? Japanese racism? English racism? French racism? Nigerian racism? Egyptian racism? Mexican racism? Brazilian racism? Haitian racism? Nicaraguan racism? Indonesian racism? Korean racism? Thai racism? Ethiopian racism? Botswana racism? Jamaican racism? 


But also when Asians go to these places they out perform the locals in making money and being less violent. Why does everywhere hate niggers but love Asians? Latinos usually do better than niggers but not as well as whites and Asians. What's that about? You think you have a magical word that solves the IQ problem, but you don't. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I said could racism be ONE factor? Of course there can be many others too.


Like if there are many people like you who hate black people and want to ship all of them to another country, then of course black people will have more challenges. Would you agree?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

I would agree with you if there were many people like me in power then it would negatively affect niggers quality of life in those areas, but there is no one like me in power, so that's not a good excuse. Not only is there no one like me in power, but the people in power are the opposite of me and bring in niggers and brown people and give them housing and welfare and food and special treatment. Did you hear about what just happened in New Zealand when they talked about taking away Maori protective class status and treating them like everyone else? The Maori went nuts. They can't compete against the whites in New Zealand if they are on an even playing field. They need "special" treatment. This is the case in all white countries.


The other thing is how would racists whites like me be the ones making blacks poor and violent in Africa and Asia? Do you think blacks raping and murdering whites all over the world at very high rates is a result of the whites being too strict and mean to the niggers? No, we are much much much to nice to them. If racists were running things there would be much less rape and murder, that's why I think racism is the correct ideology. It's the system that allows for peace and prosperity for the ones who can manage it, aka whites and Asians. The niggers can sort themselves out. We should just leave them alone.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

" I would agree with you if there were many people like me in power then it would negatively affect niggers quality of life in those areas, but there is no one like me in power, so that's not a good excuse "


I don't know what most people in power actually think, but lets say they are racist, they just can't say it pubically (just like you can't either) Nobody says it out loud except a few far right groups or ones that can do it from the safety of their home anonymously.  I don't think there are many racists in really high up places, but there might be many through out society.  I'm not even saying in todays world that it would be an excuse for a black man not to make it, but it certainly has been an uphill struggle for them starting off as slaves. The oppression of black people has a long history and theres still some momentum in that.


" The other thing is how would racists whites like me be the ones making blacks poor and violent in Africa and Asia? "


Who said anything about racists making black people poor and violent in Africa and Asia?  Racism concerns mainly western countries.

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vinzent's picture
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Then what makes the blacks overall poor and violent in Africa and Asia?

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backdraft's picture
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I'd imagine the reasons are quite similar with poor countries that don't have black people (sub-saharan races).

Again, we are going in circles. If you are interested you can read about it from many source. Or you can watch the video I posted, not too long and gives some basic reasoning why nations fail.

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vinzent's picture
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I've read and I've watched your videos. I'm not convinced by your reasoning. You can't even put into words what your reasoning is. You just say watch more and read more until I agree with you. I could say the same thing, that is why was are in circles. Why not just reply to the topics I bring up with a convincing argument?


My argument that blacks genetically have lower IQ's, a higher tendency toward violence, can run faster and jump higher than the other races works everywhere on Earth. That is pretty convincing to me. A theory that works everywhere is a good one usually. Again, I am talking about blacks as a group not every single individual black person.


Your theory seems to be that racism makes them dumber, more violent, better jumpers and runners in some places. Then there are other factors that make them dumber, more violent, better jumpers and runners in other places, and there are even more undefined reasons that make blacks dumber, more violent, better jumpers and runners in some of the other places.


You see how my theory fits so nicely and yours is just random whatevers? Can you express a more coherent theory that fits the global statistics associated with blacks? I would really like to hear it. And thanks again for all this back and forth. I do like it even though I haven't been convinced of anything new, yet.

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backdraft's picture
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" You see how my theory fits so nicely and yours is just random whatevers? "


:D yes very nicely. 

I don't know how many time I have to say that we have scientific evidence that IQ does not correlate with race. It's like this doesn't register with you and you just keep repeating the same arguments. 

No amount of "See how these niggas act dumb and these ones too" will make that go away. Yes there are reason why there are crime ridden poor black countries but we dont have any evidence that it's because of low IQ. No matter how much you want it to be so. 


Theres 3 things you can do here.



2.Deny it

3.Come up with evidence (that mainstream science agrees with) that say other wise.


So far it's been number two.

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vinzent's picture
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This all started with me providing mainstream evidence that race and IQ are correlated. You just deny that science in the same way I deny your science. So we need another way to decide what is true.


My theory works, yours doesn't. That's pretty good evidence in my favor. If you would like to counter that with a reason why you think black people as a group are the worst in every location on Earth then please, provide your reasoning. Don't just say "science". Provide an actual argument this time.

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backdraft's picture
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I don't know if you have memory problems or just don't understand. We have been over this.  This is why we keep going in circles. 


And I will say "science". If you don't have the capability to look for the evidence that is easily available, then so be it. I won't spoon feed it to you just to get the "it's the Jews fault".  We've been over this too.


I'm not going to change your mind, thats impossible. The only one that can do it is you, but that requires some intellectual honesty and interest to look into the science and not just videos on X where some guy trolls black people. 

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vinzent's picture
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I'm not talking about things I've seen on X or studies that you don't agree with. I'm explaining why I believe what I believe. Can't you just spoon feed me a little about what you believe?


What is your belief as to why blacks are the lowest performing and most violent group of people everywhere in the world? I say it's IQ related to genetics. What do you and your studies say it is? It can't be that hard to explain.

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backdraft's picture
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" What do you and your studies say it is? It can't be that hard to explain. "


It definitely seems that way. I've explained it many many times and still you keep asking. Maybe reread the threads through.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

You've said:


"I'd imagine the reasons are quite similar with poor countries that don't have black people"


"we have scientific evidence that IQ does not correlate with race."


"Could racism be one factor?"


"I said could racism be ONE factor? Of course there can be many others too."


"Once you have a solid understanding on that you can investigate the social issues that cause crimes."


"You're just going to have to do your own research. I'm not going to spoon feed the papers for you"


"Yes there is evidence that when you take into account factors like culture (which wouldn't be much of a factor in second generation black swedes) they are on average no different than any other race."


"A lot of it comes down to the kind of culture they come from."


"They learn by example as do ALL humans. You really need to think about this because this is what our discussions really boil down to. Environment dictates human behavior to a large degree. Very simple concept that is hard for you to reconcile in this race theory of yours."


All that crap you wrote just boils down to it's culture, genetics have nothing to do with it. There is no real answer there as to why blacks all over the world are the worst performing and most violent group. What is it about their culture that makes this the case everywhere they go? Is it playing basketball too much, is it the music, is it the clothing? What is it exactly and how is it the same for blacks no matter which country they live in?

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backdraft's picture
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" All that crap you wrote just boils down to it's culture, genetics have nothing to do with it. There is no real answer there as to why blacks all over the world are the worst performing and most violent group. "


If we rule out intelligence what else is there left?

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vinzent's picture
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Exactly. It has to be intelligence that causes blacks all over the word to score the worst on academic tests. It's obvious. Since the blacks always perform the worst and Asians always perform the best and whites are always in the middle it's pretty obvious that it's genetic.

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backdraft's picture
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Maybe you need to reread this thread again.

I've given you many different factors other than intelligence. You simply dismiss them all because it doesn't fit your narrative.

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vinzent's picture
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The only other factors you've given me are the very loose ideas of "environment" and sometimes "racism". Can you be more specific about how exactly those things make blacks all over the world the dumbest, most violent and fastest running group of people?

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backdraft's picture
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You can start by watching the video why do states fail.

Then you can continue Googling what causes poverty and crime and why children that grow up in those kind of dysfunctional environments tend to become violent criminals also. You can also read how this can be perpetuated through generations, being inherited from parent to child and in society in general.  

You can study all these things for free on the internet.


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vinzent's picture
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I have studied those things and have come to the conclusion that the races are genetically different and we are not compatible with one another. I don't think mixing with niggers is good or mixing with Asians. 


You obviously have no real knowledge on why blacks are the dumbest, most violent and highest jumping group of people everywhere in the world that they exist. 


All you can do is say go figure it out, which I have. Now you need to go figure it out for yourself. In the meantime, stop advocating for dumb, violent niggers to be shipped into white countries. That is evil and disgusting. Move to a black place if you think I'm wrong, but I know you agree with me and just think you can hideout in white communities and get away with being retarded.

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backdraft's picture
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Ok then. Have a good one.

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backdraft's picture
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Happened to pop in to my feed. Never thought that geography could also play a big part

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vinzent's picture
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There are so many facts but so few logical conclusions. 


Australia was an English prison colony, and it's doing great. Just like America, Canada, New Zealand, even India. But they aren't nigger countries so they are doing much much better then the African colonies. 


New Orleans was a great city when it was run by French and English whites. Now it's run by niggers and it's awful.


Did you know that Florida wasn't very inhabitable until white men overcame nature to make it so? There was even a big mosquito problem there, but white men used their brains to handle the pests, which is something stupid niggers can't do. 


There are a hundred of these comments I could make about that video but there are only a couple of things that matter here. 


Niggers evolved in a radically different environment from the rest of humans. Over tens of thousands of years that environment lead to them having great leg muscles but inferior brains. 


Nothing in that video explains why niggers all over the world perform the worst on academic testing and the best at running. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

go to a white country. dig under there feet, no diamonds or gold to be found. that's not because of geography, that's because of poor genetics

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vinzent's picture
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White countries had plenty of gold and oil and iron and all kinds of resources. The whites developed complex technologies to extract the resources, complex trade relations with other countries and complex inventions made with the extracted and traded resources.


We were doing that before the niggers thought of making a wheel. That documentary even showed that the top nigger technology was carrying things on their heads. When the white man went into the Congo they built railroads to carry the goods. The niggers were and still are retarded. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the wheel wasn't invented by white people, thats because of poor genetics

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vinzent's picture
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We didn't invent the zero either but we did pretty well for ourselves. You know, built the Roman empire and all that. What was the greatest nigger invention before foreigners arrived in sub-Saharan Africa?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras


ain't no take backs, why can't you say the thing you wanted to say the first time around? is it poor genetics? like, how long did it take the women in your family to realize that creating the kwisatz haderach in a trailer park and utilizing the genetics of transient men was a bad idea? your tenth birthday?

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vinzent's picture
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What? You have been gooning to that ugly nigger Zendaya too much and your brain has gone to mush.

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vinzent's picture
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backdraft's picture
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I'm sure your whole reasoning about Africa was "Nigga dumb" and that's why they are poor, so thought I would share this. I'm sure this wont make any difference how you see things, but I'm mainly here for the entertainment value. It's interesting how a racist rationalizes and justifies things.  

It's a bit like flat earthers, they see the world looks flat from their point of view and they leave it at that, so thats the extent of their knowledge. Even when provided with evidence of a globe, they say it's a conspiracy, NASA, CGI or what ever.

It's kinda the same as Jews for you. Something you can't explain -> it's the Jews. 



"Over tens of thousands of years that environment lead to them having great leg muscles but inferior brains."


Can you post some sources that show theres some merit to this evolutionary theory of yours?

How was European evolution so much different?


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vinzent's picture
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Darwin's finches


Do you not know how evolution works? Adaptation, survival of the fittest, environmental factors, diet, natural selection?


I don't blame niggers for being fast and dumb but it is a fact that they are. I don't blame sloths for being slow or chimps for being violent. Everything is a product of evolution and has an innate nature. I like all the diversity in the world but that doesn't mean I want tigers roaming my neighborhood, or niggers, and for similar reasons. 


You are practically a "flat Earther" of evolution. You can't see the brain evolve so you don't think it happens. Must just be a Nazi conspiracy to make all the niggers fail their math tests right? There is lots of evidence that the earth is a globe and that evolution affects brains. You can see the mast of a sailboat sink over the horizon and you can test niggers to check their intelligence. Why do you deny these truths? Does it make you feel like a "good" person to think that all the people of the world evolved the exact same brains?

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backdraft's picture
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We've been over this too. 

IIRC your reasoning was in the lines of: Europe has winter and we have to plan for that so it made white men smarter. Which makes no sense at all. Like planning to save food would be a highly intellectual endeavour out of reach of an African mind. 


So go on then, post some sources on how "European evolution" made big brain people and African evolution kept people dumb.   

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vinzent's picture
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If birds living on rocks near each other evolved very distinct differences then what do you think primates on different continents and in vastly different environments are going to do? Whites, blacks and Asians are all very distinct from one another. Do you really need a study to prove this?


I've provided you with studies in the past but you just deny them, which is fair. I don't believe all studies either, only a fool would. That being said here are some scientific findings worth knowing.



Whites, Caucasoids, and Asians, Mongoloids, are "significantly" more genetically similar than they are to blacks, Negroids:



"the overall genetic distance between Europeans and Asians is significantly lower than that between Europeans and Africans of that between Asians and Africans".



Asians have the biggest brains, then the whites, and blacks have the smallest:



"average racial differences on measures of cognitive performance parallel the differences in average brain size". It's all right there.



Location affects evolution of humans:



"The pattern of genetic variation in these populations has been shaped by demographic events occurring over the last 200,000 years. The dramatic variation in climate, diet, and exposure to infectious disease across the continent has also resulted in novel genetic and phenotypic adaptations in extant Africans."



Here is a discussion about new studies and findings that claim humans originated in Europe, not Africa:





Of course we could both keep listing hundreds of pages of studies but that is what I'd like to avoid. We can do our own deductive reasoning. I'll explain to you my beliefs and why I have them and you do the same. That will be a much better conversation than posting links to studies we'll likely both deny. Don't you think?

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backdraft's picture
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Well first of all your just skirting around what I'm asking. Of course there are genetic differences between Europeans and African, but the question is, is there a noticeable difference in intelligence when you take into account all the social / cultural / economic factors?

Yes evolution happens, I'm not denying that. What I'm asking is whether there is evidence that white brains are more intelligent than black brains. I'm absolutely sure there are differences but I don't see any evidence that those differences are in intellect.  


"Asians have the biggest brains, then the whites, and blacks have the smallest:


"average racial differences on measures of cognitive performance parallel the differences in average brain size". It's all right there."


This is a good try, but a retracted paper from -91.  Wonder why it was retracted?   :D



" I'll explain to you my beliefs and why I have them and you do the same. That will be a much better conversation than posting links to studies we'll likely both deny. Don't you think? "


I can see why you would like this. You can just make shit on the spot and not worry about being challenged by what we actually know through science. Yes, I know It's takes all the fun out of bullshitting but really theres no point if anything and everything goes.  

I know the true motivation for you is hate. You might not even admit it to yourself but it's clear as day. It's what fuels your need to be right and the justification to act the way you do. 


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vinzent's picture
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Can you name once place on Earth where blacks as a group are more intelligent than the local whites or Asians?

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vinzent's picture
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Can you name one place on Earth where blacks as a group are more intelligent than the local whites or Asians?


Can you list global algebra proficiency by race? What metric are you looking for?

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backdraft's picture
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Didn't find anything on that, but heres something interesting.


  • Eyferth (1961) studied the out-of-wedlock children of black and white soldiers stationed in Germany after World War II who were then raised by white German mothers in what has become known as the Eyferth study. He found no significant differences in average IQ between groups



  • Tizard et al. (1972) studied black (West Indian), white, and mixed-race children raised in British long-stay residential nurseries. Two out of three tests found no significant differences. One test found higher scores for non-white people.


  • Moore (1986) compared black and mixed-race children adopted by either black or white middle-class families in the United States. Moore observed that 23 black and interracial children raised by white parents had a significantly higher mean score than 23 age-matched children raised by black parents (117 vs 104), and argued that differences in early socialization explained these differences.


" Heritability of IQ varies significantly by social class."


"Almost no genetic polymorphisms have been discovered that are consistently associated with variation in IQ in the normal range. "


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vinzent's picture
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Eyferth study - examined the IQs of white and racially-mixed children raised by single mothers in post-World War II West Germany.

And the whites scored higher than the mixed races. Point to me.


Tizard et al. (1972) - 65 children aged 4½ years who had spent their first 2-4 years in institutions were tested.

That is a very small sample size for an IQ study and you point out that it was using "West Indians", which are not sub-Saharan Africans.



Moore (1986) - Compared mean IQ test performance and response styles to cognitive demands of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) among 23 Black children (aged 7–10 yrs) who had been adopted by middle-class White families (i.e., transracially adopted) and 23 age-matched Black children who had been adopted by middle-class Black families (i.e., traditionally adopted). 


So like a 46 person study? You have to be kidding. I give you the mathematic testing of all humans on Earth where Asians do the best, then whites, then blacks and you respond with a few tiny studies. C'mon man.



Again, I think that going back and forth with random "studies" is pointless. I'll ask you for the tenth time, what are the environmental factors that make blacks the worst at academics everywhere on Earth?


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backdraft's picture
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" And the whites scored higher than the mixed races. Point to me. "


He found no significant differences in average IQ between groups.

Yeah, there's a difference of 0.7 IQ points.  You can have your point.    


" That is a very small sample size for an IQ study and you point out that it was using "West Indians", which are not sub-Saharan Africans. "


So you are fine admitting that at least non sub-saharan blacks are equal to whites? 


" I give you the mathematic testing of all humans on Earth where Asians do the best, then whites, then blacks and you respond with a few tiny studies. C'mon man. "


When did you give me that? Must have missed it.

Were the scores also accounting for socio-economic factors, because that really the point here that you keep dismissing.


" Again, I think that going back and forth with random "studies" is pointless "


I don't think that all. See below for an example.


" I'll ask you for the tenth time, what are the environmental factors that make blacks the worst at academics everywhere on Earth? "


Just so I can make sure you your not making shit up, can you provide sources where it shows that ALL blacks on earth do worse academically taking into account socio-economic factors.  


Related to this, why do you think coming from a good background correlates with academic success in general?  




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vinzent's picture
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Eyferth study - Sorted out by sex and race, the average scores obtained were:[9]

Group Boys Girls Difference
White 101 93 8
Mixed race 97 96 1
Difference -4 3  


White boys were up 4 IQ points but for some reason white girls dropped us back down to only one point over the black and white mixed raced people, mulattoes we call them. But it's a stupid study so take it with some salt.


I don't consider non sub-Saharans to be "blacks". To me being genetically from sub-Saharan Africa, before Arabs and whites arrived and started mixing in, is the definition of being a black person. I would also consider the Australian Aborigines to be black but they are a different black, worse than the sub-Saharan ones if you can believe that. 


The "blacks" of the West Indies are heavily mixed and have a measurably higher IQ than those who have not mixed with the genetics of the higher IQ races. African Americans have significantly higher IQ's than those who never left sub-Saharan Africa because they mixed with whites. The sad thing is that their IQ's are lower than the whites they breed with. White genes uplift the blacks but black genes suppress the whites. It's not good.


If you can find some place on Earth where the blacks, as a group, are outperforming whites and Asians in mathematics then you'll get a Nobel Prize. Of course there is no place on Earth where that is happening or you'd see it all over CNN and all the other lefty news networks. 


To your last point, of course I think coming from a better background will put you in a better place to succeed. But here is where we run into the same problem. My theory states that low IQ people don't do well in a high IQ society. So you won't get many examples of low IQ blacks coming from a good background because their low IQ black parents will not have been able to provide that for them. There has been a giant experiment in the white countries of the world where we take money from white people and give it to blacks to give them a good environment so that black kids can have a good background but guess what? We have been trying that for like sixty years or more and there are no significant improvements in the blacks. The amount of money we have spent on welfare and education for dumb niggers is exorbitant. Must be Trillions of dollars by now and niggers are still way at the bottom of everything. That experiment has failed and it's time to admit it and move on. We can not make niggers into white people by giving them a nice environment, money, education or by any other means. We can uplift them a bit by destroying our white genetics but that is a major net negative. 


I think having a nice high IQ white country is a much much much better prospect than a country made up of middle of the road IQ mulattoes, some high IQ whites and Asians, and low IQ blacks. That level of genetic diversity is not a strength but in fact a crippling weakness. Look at the "diverse" parts of the world versus the homogeneous high IQ parts. Tokyo versus Detroit, Boise vs Atlanta, Beijing vs London or whatever. Where are the studies on that? Not funded by the jews like all the stupid ones are. But we don't need some gender bending scientist to tell us which is better. It's obvious. 

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backdraft's picture
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" My theory states that low IQ people don't do well in a high IQ society. "


What does high IQ society actually mean? Sure we have many more jobs now that require higher IQ but that doesn't mean you can't be just fine with a lower IQ and work some blue collar job.

I'd argue you can be way more dumber in modern society (just see what your average fat ass American is) and still survive when lets compare to some tribe where they hunt their own food and have to survive the elements on their own.


 " There has been a giant experiment in the white countries of the world where we take money from white people and give it to blacks to give them a good environment "


When do you think we will get rid of poor and dumb white people? Haven't we provided them with welfare and good environment? When will they learn?  Shouldn't we apply the same standards there too?  Maybe ship them to another country that are of low intelligence?


I'd recommend you do an IQ test yourself. Since IQ is all that matters to you, it would be important to get it tested. Could be a real eye opener and a possibility for some introspection. 

Imagine if it turned out that you were below average. Maybe thats where all the aggression against black people comes from. After all dumb people are usually more aggressive than high IQ people.  You 've already shown many time how you thrive on being angsty and hateful.  Usually a trait that is associated with low IQ or juveniles.


" that level of genetic diversity is not a strength but in fact a crippling weakness. "


The nazis already had a go at that. As a civilized society we have already decided that it's not the way forward.  Maybe understanding this doesn't actually require that much intelligence, maybe just not being consumed by hate is enough. 



" Look at the "diverse" parts of the world versus the homogeneous high IQ parts. Tokyo versus Detroit "


Well, you'd again need to take into account the culture and their background.   

In japan kids a pushed to do good in school (sometimes the point of breaking), where as in poor black community parent don't usually give a shit.

How well do black people do in Japan? Same as in Detroit?  





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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Hold on. I know this one. Its the jews, isn't it? Pick any random jew from the streets and he can be blamed for it all.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Did you look into it at all? Do you think the power to print money isn't one worth understanding?


I posted some videos today that will hopefully help you out. You need it.

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backdraft's picture
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I've looked into it before. Basically it's a scam. This whole system is. But were not talking about that now.

Were talking about how you can judge all black people and all jew as if they were one person. I'm interested how that mind of your works.    Or does it?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

So jews have had the power to print money in this country for 110 years and started two world wars right after getting that power and stole a country for themselves, the jews, and have started many many more wars where they benefit greatly but you don't think I should have a problem with the jews. They took over banking, the media, education, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, non-profits, social media, search engines, but I'm just supposed to shut up about it? They have had the goal of destroying the white race for centuries and they kill us by the millions and flood our countries with stupid jigaboos but I'm supposed to smile and pretend it's all good? How many white people have died in the Ukraine war which was started by the jews Zelenskyy and Victoria Nuland and a bunch of other jews? A lot, and a lot of white resources wasted too. All the while the jews are committing a genocide of their neighbors and the world looks the other way while the white tax payers fund the whole thing by getting robbed by the jews.


Have you heard of Zionism? Which jews oppose Zionism? Which politicians oppose Zionism? Which actors oppose Zionism? Which bankers oppose Zionism? Which companies oppose Zionism? Which organizations oppose Zionism? Let me know.

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backdraft's picture
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So again, if I see a random jew on the street, all this can be blamed on him?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

No. I treat individuals as individuals and groups as groups. What are your thoughts on the KKK and the Nazi's? Do you treat them as individuals or groups? What about murderers on cannibals? Individuals or groups? Groups are groups for a reason.

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backdraft's picture
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" No. I treat individuals as individuals and groups as groups. "

Makes no sense. Group are composed of individuals. 

When all the evil of the world are cause by jews, is that random jew included in that or does he get a free pass?

If you support black and white segregation,  how can individualism play any part in that if you're willing to ship all black people to some other country?



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vinzent's picture
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I think after we ship all the niggas back to Africa there will be many good individuals living there. Maybe even enough to build something good. If I gave you the option to spend the night in a house full of rapist or a house full of florists which would you pick? Being able to discern differences between groups is a very important survival strategy. Is every lion going to rip you face off? No, but it's better to keep your distance if you meet one in the wild. 


Would you walk into a group of niggers wearing red bandannas in Compton and ask them about the weather? How do you know one of them won't offer you a job at Google if you do? Do you want to camp out in Skid Row or North Idaho? Which group is more likely to carry the AIDS virus, monogamous Christians or flamboyant faggots? Grouping people together and understanding the differences and the inherent dangers of those groups is a very handy thing to have indeed.


I could go on and on with examples but I'm sure you are already extremely prejudiced. I know you would never want to live somewhere that is populated by 90% sub-Saharan Africans. We all know how bad that would be without getting to know all of them on an individual level. You can see how groups change an area and whites change it for the better while blacks make it worse.

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backdraft's picture
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So you basically you don't take people as individual as you earlier claimed.  You group people into the same camp by their skin color because it would be really hard to tell the good ones from the bad ones. Correct?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

What the hell man. I treat any individual I meet as an individual. If I see a nigger on the street I'd be like "sup homie? You got a dime bag nigga?" But if a politician said were going to bring in 10 million niggers into your country then I'd say keep them the fuck out. 


You've brought up the poor before. You think the poor score lower on tests than the rich. How can you be such a classist asshole. Don't you think the poor are individuals and can score just as high as anyone else on tests? 


You can often tell how people are going to behave by how they look. If I saw a clean cut nigga in a suit downtown during the day, I wouldn't be bothered. If I saw some nigga dressed like a gang member downtown at night I might walk the other way. Have you never learned any of this before? How are your still alive?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

"What the hell man. I treat any individual I meet as an individual."

And yet you'd send them in another country in the blink of an eye if you had the power to do so without knowing anything about said individual. You don't care what kind of person they are, just the color matters. You've made this quite obvious yet you try to have it both ways. Preaching about niggers and jews and how they ruin everything and then you treat all people as individuals. LOL :D    Have you heard of cognitive dissonance?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

I just notice the patterns within groups. It's ok to notice patterns. Pattern recognition is a major factor of intelligence. A lot of the questions on IQ tests are about pattern recognition. Whites are pretty good at it, blacks are not. It's genetic.

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