Democrat Hymn (US)

daftcunt's picture

The Liar Tweets Tonight

At least most of it is true!

Average: 5 (2 votes)


danmanjones's picture

At this rate Trump could do zero campaigning & still win.

The below is a real ad from Biden's campaign.


Reminds me of a cheap version of this glorious Best Korea poster

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Dagambit's picture

If your strategy for winning the election relies on the American economy failing, mass amounts of people dying due to Covid-19 (similar deaths as the flu), you might have a weak platform. Poor democrats.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Funny how covid 19 killed way more people in 2 months than influenza on average in a whole season (US), and it's not done yet and it is heavily restrained by quarantine measures..... Hence I can't follow your math on the death rate....

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