defamation suit cost trump 83 million


Bobbob's picture
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I'm not a Trump supporter or hater, but I need to ask, since the amount seems over the top. He seems to have made a point about her statements against him coinciding with the release of a book. How does an extra 65M become a thing? It definitely goes a long way to suggesting there are political motivations to all this. A go fund me paid by his supporters should settle that amount by mid next week.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

if i punch you in the face and knock out some teeth. you're going to sue me for getting your teeth fixed and whatever time you lost from work. if that total 4,392$. that's called compensatory damages, or actual damages. punitive damages is meant to punish me and that amount can be 4 times the compensatory damage. so that's an additional 17,568$


as for it being politically motivated. the tally was the juries decision, a jury trumps team helped pick

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Bobbob's picture
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So if I were to hypothetically respond 'With your little baby fists? I'd like to see that.' doesn't this simply fall under the category of tit for tat exchange?

Does either exchange, yours/mine or theirs in print&tele-media warrant additional financial settlement?  She accused him of sexual assault and he called her a liar (his only available defense). I realize the added punitive damages are there to disincentivize him doing that again, but 68M...dude!

And how is it punitive when we know his constituents will pay out of pocket so he can stay in the race unperturbed.  I'm thinking this is far from over.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

tit for tat is you tell me off, i tell you off, defamation is when you tell me off and i tell people you're not allowed around schools. you sue me for defamation and you're able to prove to the court that what i said was incorrect, i knew it was incorrect and i did it to cause you reputational harm. what they call malice. if you're able to do that and the court agrees with you, they then decided damages. if you're at the money stage, or like jordan peterson having to be re-educated. whatever was needed to prove something happened was done and punishment has been decided


so carroll has filed 3 lawsuits


in 2019, carroll says he raped her. at the time, that would have made her like, the 14th one to say the were sexual abused by trump. trump says, he never met her, she's not his type, she ugly among other things. she files a defamation lawsuit and that gets pushed back till 2022 because the court of appeals couldn't decided if the things trump said while president, were said in the capacity of the president, or as a civilians. but when 2021 rolled around and trump was no longer the president, he kept saying the same things. so in 2022, she filled another defamation suit. just prior to that, ny institutes a new rule allowing sexual abuse victims to file civilian lawsuits against their sexual abusers regardless of how long ago it was. she files one of those. may of 2023 rolls around. judge/jury decided by the evidence given in regards to the initial defamation suit and the sexual abuse claim, is enough to find trump liable for both. awards carroll 5 million. a year later and after trump in a deposition, accidentally identified a photo of carroll from back in the day, as his wife at the time marla, and shown another photo of trump meeting carroll and her husband. i'm sure his "unfortunately or fortunately" stars can grab women by the pussy didn't help him. anyways, he's found liable for the second defamation lawsuit, carrolls awarded 83 million

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Bobbob's picture
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Interesting facts, thanks. Still an offensive amount of money. 

As for Peterson, instead of re-educated.. don't like how comfortably we're tossing that term around given some well known intellectuals of the day (inside and outside Canada) disagree. More.. socially-lobotomized, as Ghad Saad calls it.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

offensive amount? put into perspective. if trump was worth a million dollars instead of his supposedly 4 billion. she would have been awarded 21k. if trump had 5k to his name, she would get 106 dollars.


now, i've been thinking about this for a while. i'm pretty sure by the things you've said over the months/year in regards to peterson. you don't know what psychologists do. the most important thing you should know is that they're never going to tell you something you're doing is wrong. that's not what they do. to give you an example she wants to put a dildo in my ass during sex ok it would mean so much to me well, if it means so much to her, have you thought about trying something smaller? maybe a finger to start with?


basically everything jordan says on his twitter and in public over the last few years, goes against how he was taught in school and how the field conducts itself. if jordan wants to go on rants about how evil it is for someone to transition or how acceptance is a bad thing. he can do it without post-nomials after his name cause you guys can't tell the difference between right wing grifter jordan peterson and jordan peterson ph.d or b.a.

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Bobbob's picture
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That first paragraph of yours. Fantastic. Perfect. Answers the question although you're still missing the irony of Trump having exaggerated his worth previously.. I mean,  good ol' karma, amiright? ;'-) <sniff> Again, I'm only saddened when I think that it's his grassroots supporters that'll pass the hat around first; some of whom are financially strapped.

That second one with the visuals from classic TV Series Reboot where you say 'now, i've been thinking about this for a while. i'm pretty sure by the things you've said over the months/year in regards to peterson. you don't know what psychologists do. the most important thing you should know is that they're never going to tell you something you're doing is wrong. that's not what they do. to give you an example'   Good! In 2 rather clumsy and obvious moves you've brought us to the matter you really want to discuss. [Again, I really hope you've got other hobbies than cataloguing every word we say on this site, Sal, cause life's too short]. 

But seriously, in a million years of fantasy what makes you think you're remotely qualified to dismiss a renowned Clinical Psychologist like Peterson's volumes of work; reams upon reams of publications in scientific journals and tell us here what (the rest of) Psychologists really think. You and I discussed this on another Spiked thread <linked here>  where his colleague Ghad Saad referred to this imposed training as a 're-education labotomy' or whatever.  Step out of the silo where you're having your own opinion reaffirmed all the time (worse yet, dictated to you).

Here; enjoy this video where JP dismantles the APA's stance on boyhood and masculine toxicity. It's a case study in how the guy is deliberately misquoted all the time by his detractors. Seeing this, folks (with a brain) start to wonder what's up. I mean, sure, we can say this is the American Psychiatric Association guidance so who cares... but they're literally treating the Y chromosome like a disease. What's the end game. Seriously, what gives, Sal? 

PS. I really really did like the trip down memory lane with your Reboot/Kermit 'pegging' analogy.  For even more fun I suggest you type 'Rule 34 Reboot' into Google. I'm sure there's something there for everyone over 18.

Megabyte my shiny metal ass — Last two caps for Episode 3: “The Quick and  The...

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Bobbob's picture
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What happened @Sal. Are you still having a think? Which is great, I guess.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

transcripts. they'll come in handy later


p: i see a backlash against masculinity and a sense that there's something that there's something toxic about masculinity as such

g: what is this idea of being over what why is society overly feminized

p: well i didn't ever say that society was overly feminized so if we're going to discuss my views we should use my actual words i believe that there's a danger in our society at the moment of making the assumption that our culture for example is a tyrannical patriarchy which it is in some small part and that any active engagement on the part of young men in particular is indistinguishable from an unacceptable power and dominance drive which i don't believe but surely all of that is inappropriate and incorrect

g: if much of the power and authority over a very long historical period as lane with men isn't it only inevitable that some men will get a little hacked off when women are given a a stab at something approaching equality

p: well that could be inevitable but that doesn't make it right and it's certainly not something that i support so my

g: so you think men's resentment is more important than women's effort to attain equality

p: i'm not in favor of resentment at all i think that if you're resentful something's something's definitely wrong either you need to grow the hell up and and and take stock of your life or you have some things to say to people that you haven't been saying

g: you say science undoubtedly shows us that men and women have different traits and there's a lot of science to to back you up on that but you say that because of that men are hardwired to achieve success and to be successful in a way that women are not

p: no not at all i've never said anything like that i've said that there are biological differences between men and women that express themselves in temperament and an occupational choice and that any attempt to enforce equality of outcome is unwarranted and ill-advised as a consequence

g: and yet some of the most successful societies judged on contentment indices or indeed material success are those for example in scandinavia

p: where the where the temperamental differences between men and women are larger than any other society

g: well so you say you point out that in scandinavia many more women choose to be health workers than engineers for example

p: it's not what i say it's what the large-scale scientific investigation has revealed

g: fair enough but equally scandinavia is full of societies one could point to norway where they've made a specific legislative effort for example with a quota of 40 of women on corporate boards or a quota for women to be in parliament right they've they've specifically engaged in social engineering and it seems to be working and it seems to be working

p: it doesn't seem to be working

g: well forgive me but norway is top of every contentment index that we see across the world

p: well okay so first of all norway has plenty of oil money which is definitely contributing to that and second it depends on what you mean by working there's no evidence for example that the legislation that was designed to increase the number of women on boards has produced any movement whatsoever in the number of women who hold managerial administrative positions in norway the theory was that as societies became more egalitarian that men and women would become more the same but that isn't what's happened what's happened is the biggest differences between men and women now temperamentally and in terms of their own interest have manifested themselves in the scandinavian countries and so what that will mean is that men and women will make different choices in occupation if you let them have free choice now what are we supposed to do are we supposed to stop that from happening is that the feminist perspective

g: let's get back to a word i used before and ask you directly do you approve of do you think it's a dangerous word equality this word equality

p: why i do you approve of equality of opportunity but i think that equality of outcome considerations are detestable and dangerous beyond belief




gad saad points for re-education

1 men can get pregnant number
2 men can menstruate
3 some women have nine inch penises
4 the climate crisis is so dire that we have less than two years of existent left as a species uh anybody who says hey let's talk about whether we should be spending 100 trillion dollar refitting all of our buildings and using smoking pigeons as our mode of communication uh as long as the pigeons don't engage in flatulence because then that would cause you know gas emissions uh if we do that then we're anti-science deniers and we should be banished
5 possibly my favorite Justin Trudeau is what a strong principled leader looks like
6 gas stoves are immoral we know that certainly in the US uh the the noble uh climate Warriors are trying to get rid of gas stoves we don't want that number
7 fossil fuels are the devil's juice remember um Jordan Peterson the overlord of Darkness has to publicly tweet each of these on his social media to demonstrate that he's reformed he's a better person and then he can retain his license otherwise he loses it that's what we want in a free Society any person who is a professional should have his free expression monitored so that it doesn't hurt others uh oh yeah
8 Joe Biden is an honest politician whereas orange himler must be jailed
9 the scientific method is a form of white supremacy that I already covered it at length in the parasitic mind I can't see it here it's hidden the parasitic mind uh which came out in 2020 if you haven't gotten it get your mind Max a vaccine
10 his Eminence the exalted Lord fouchi is science remember when fouchi said you know he's going to retire you know then I mean science will cease to exist he retires there's no more science and also science is white supremacy so you got all that stuff
11 Covid vaccine should be administered every second Tuesday of every month in perpetuity that makes sense
12 Peterson must recognize that he is a colonizer who is benefiting from stolen land he must do so as his first tweet every day for the next two years
13 this is an American one but it's important remember they say when the US sneezes Canada catches a cold so this is part of that ethos occasional cortex AOC is not a narcissistic Airhead
14 we cannot understand human nature if not informed by intersectional feminism that's clear that's absolutely clear everybody knows this intersectional feminism is making big breakthroughs in genomics in Engineering in pure mathematics you need the feminist lens to crack open these fields that's why you've got uh feminist glaciology real thing by the way you could look it up feminist glaciology
15 Canada is a country built by white supremacy and systemic racism that's clear that's absolutely clear Al by the way based on some of the comments that I've received over the past few weeks because I made a joke about the local French Canadian accent where I was told dirty immigrant leave here dirty Jew leave here dirty Arab leave here it might not be so far-fetched to think that Canada or at least quecbec has a lot of noble tolerant people
16 Joual is the most beautiful sound in nature


and what you said about it

"All 16 of his talking points are pretty much on the nose" -bobbob

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Bobbob's picture
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Not reading that and definitely don't conclude trying to attribute that stuff to me. But do let us know if you have a point (other than the chub you have for yourself at the moment).

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you posted gad saad video and made the comment over here which is link you've at multiple times, linked in a comment telling me to watch, which is a link in the link you posted above. you attached your wagon to it. you're going for the fucking ride

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Bobbob's picture
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LOL- did you take my agreeing with what he stated in irony/satire literally? That the points Saad stated above (being what he imagines to consist of Peterson's required retraining) be truth? Fuck.. kid. I'm sorry. Had no idea you were so far gone. Close the laptop and go get some air. Ignoring ya for your own good.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you don't even know what i'm doing yet*r3xwsA1oiSxhMOc1cpX5uw.gif

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Bobbob's picture
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I think most everyone on here knows by now. You haven't been all that subtle. Be sure to back it all up on solid media. You saw how they made Darryl Hannah's ass disappear from 'Splash'.


I told you previously that if you want to test your assumptions against anyone in discussion this is fine. However, since you feel you're right and any other position is wrong,..please go right along playing with yourself. 


Lastly, threaten people, even obliquely for not embracing your views on this site and in life in general and see how that works for you.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

who would the people that know be? name them


"Attack the position and not the person is usually a good rule of thumb (I'm trying to be better at this myself)"

if you think about he past few months, you think you've been following through on that last part eh? been pretty busy talking to daft. i'm sure you can come up with any excuse you want but it would be just that, an excuse when you should know better. the things is, when you descend the depths of despair to do that kind of stuff, well. we don't hand out visitors passes

access to high ground denied


no threats. i play by the rules of the site regardless if they were instituted by my previous actions. still a lot of wiggle room for someone with idle hands. i thought it would be funny to submit pics of trans women to the gallery when its your turn. find very passable trannys. go through the trouble of download and uploading them so you won't see a link that that gives it away. and then months later reveal it

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boldfart's picture

Poor guy, he does not earn enough money as to pay tax. How do those socialists expect him to find that kind of money?


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Accuser's picture

I don't get it. Trump can produce that money from his trailer park cult of followers alone in a matter of days with some new NFT cards.

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