Deadliest lake in the World


Hisoka's picture

So what, just evacuate whites and let nature take its course with the monkeys

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eh's picture

Dat ain't right.

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lawngnome's picture

Step 1: Dynamite lake 
Step 2: Buy up cheap property
Step 3: Go directly to hell, do not pass go

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danmanjones's picture

If you weaponnised CO2 like that bubble, would that count as chemical warfare (banned under Geneva conventions)?

It seems less destructive than explosives.

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The Evil Bat's picture

Holy fark! Just imagine being one of the first few people to head to that lake in 1984. Everything dead for a 25k radius and massive blood red lake! Would be like something out of a Stephen King novel or satans return or some shit like that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Rename it lake Fart!

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