De-Radicalized Uyghur


sato's picture

this message brought to you by the CCCP!

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monkeymania's picture

LOLOLOL Solid Chinese government bullshit on their Youtube channel. CGTN is truth! Everything else is lies. CGTN is right in line with your China great, everything else bad mindset.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

I don't know about you guys but I usually write my own copypastas if I'm ever feeling the urge to shit up a streamer's chat. Honestly it's just more satisfying to do it myself than to rely on someone else and hope that they write something funny or entertaining. Otherwise what the hell would be the point of just copying and pasting something that didn't even make anyone laugh? I mean come on if you're going to shitpost you should at least try to put some effort into it instead of just writing ra

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Althos's picture

Gets away from religous indoctrination, and she's suprised she feels smarter. well....duh.

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