

boldfart's picture

Curry sauce used in currywurst is a sweet sauce with no spices and NO chili! Eveb their hot  (scharf) mustard is bland. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

scharf means sharp, in Belgium you have to look far for something that puts your mouth on fire, most sauce is not that hot here either, unless you take pure sambal or tabasco or sate spices on your meat.

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n0val33t's picture
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Trying to get my hands on Capsicum oil.... I want the severe burn without drowning curry in chili 🌶.... that bitter taste no thank you!


Reminds me of Campari and being a kid..... My dad: "Wan't som juice" I often fell for it. ....that bitterness, hate it! 

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