Cuomo says "Don't trust the experts."


theblackswordsman's picture
front page

He's drawn too much heat. The dems will have no choice but to turn on him and cut their losses.


If there were any good attourney's or judges left they should offer him a pardon and protection to turn in the rest.


Too bad another weasel is going to take his place. New York is funny like that.

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Dagambit's picture

Why is this getting voted down? 4 votes, 3 is the average rating which means 2 5s and 2 1s. 


Facts hurt feelings. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

The dynamic duo is making their rounds before bed time. They don't actually care what the info is. If they don't like the poster or the source it's insta trash.

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skeptoid's picture

Anything posted by me with any kind of political content, regardless of its place on the spectrum, gets two automatic 1-star ratings. Always - what got ridiculous was the 7 automatic 1-star ratings for anything I would post, including non-political stuff (prat), and that ended when Nakey disabled the feature that deletes posts based on ratings.

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sato's picture

dumbasses who think voting makes some kind of point.

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