Cop Baiter Arrested, Tells Cops "I've Been Waiting For This"

TheWeirdo's picture

Cop Baiter Arrested, Tells Cops "I've Been Waiting For This" (Bodycam)

New word : copbaiter.

Forget "first amendment auditer".

It's copbaiter.

The cops are tired of this shit and taking action.

Thank god.

Average: 4 (4 votes)


boldfart's picture

Good news at last.

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stokkebye's picture

Fuck you boot licker! This piece of shit cop could have just went about his business and let the man record as is his right to do. The SCOTUS has ruled this many times. This guy is going to lawyer up and get a shit ton of money from this. "Cops are tired of this shit" Oh you mean being held accountable and pissed off people record them so they violate a mans rights and beat on him, kidnap him, and fucking molest him! You are a lower than the scum you lick off the boots that are on your neck you piece of shit! 

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Dagambit's picture

I disagree. In this case the man was asked politely to relocate for the officers safety, he was told he could film and said he didn't mind being on camera. This asshole decided to argue instead of complying, which now makes him "hostile" as he states he will not move for the officer's safety. He was given multiple chances and got what he deserved.


If the cop had told him to stop filming, go home, or my name and badge number is none of your business, then I would have agreed with you. But this to me is just an asshole on the sidewalk hoping to get arrested. Fuck him.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Well the question still stands, how was he interfering with the officer's work? How was he a risk? What could he have done from there that he wouldn't be able to do from a few feet further?


People usually comply if there's some logic behind the request.  Don't know if there's an actual 25 feet limit, but he seemed to be past that and supposedly that triggered the cop.  

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stokkebye's picture

Let me make this very clear, the SCOTUS, the supreme court of the United States, has made it very clear with their rulings that it IS our right to record police while in the performance of their duties and made it clear that people can record them at a reasonable distance on public property. Seems like he WAS at a reasonable distance and NOT interfering until the cop got his panties in a bunch and tried to make the man respect his athorita with an unreasonable request which DOES violate his right to record the police! You wanna say they are wrong? Like I said, fucking bootlicker!

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Or, maybe choose a better hill to die on. I mean, he chose to argue with a cop over semantics. Maybe just move the extra few feet back and keep recording, like the cop said.  It could have been as simple as 'Yes officer. Thanks officer. Have a nice day officer.'

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stokkebye's picture

Thats what the Loyalist said when the Patriots wanted to break away from England, "just kiss the kings ass, obey his commands, and take it up the ass"! Good thing the brave dont listen to the cowards!!!

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

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stokkebye's picture

Thats what happens when you argue with the admin here! 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

"stop hitting your self, stop hitting your self" cops being bullies


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