A Conversation with Evil


JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
What about embryos in fertilely clinics that get discarded? Funny how no prolifers ever talk about them. They're people by prolife logic, however, because they're "just an embryo" and not a fetus, they don't care. Shows the hypocrisy.
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jdt73's picture

Actualy not true.

Fertilsed embryo are part of the discussion.

Yes it is usualy over looked in most dialouges but since you bring that nuance up, we can address it.

Human life begins and conception, that is the argument.

You just went to the location argument, which doesnt hold water.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
You tell me that's not true, and then go on the state things that I agree with. Yeah sure it's usually over looked, and I agree that a biological human life starts at conception. I have no idea what "the location argument" is, I get that sometimes it gets repetitive explaining arguments so you can throw out the name of the argument or fallacy, but if I google it and nothing comes up it doesn't help does it? We don't know exactly how many embryos are purposefully not implanted. But it's estimated to be tens of thousands each year. Some are just discarded, some are donated to science etc. If prolifers really believed that the second a sperm meets and egg you have a human with personhood, then they should be talking about it WAY more. The reason they don't is because they don't like to interfere with women who're having fertility issues as well as what I've already said. Completely hypocritical.
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jdt73's picture

Ok, It is hypocritical to hold a prolife stance and not to have a problem with embryo harvesting.

The real problem is when the discarding occurs, up untill that point there is a reasonable hope for life. Even then the entire practice is so fraught with ethical problems that partaking in the practice in any form is not advisable.

Any pro lifer who has no problem with embryo harvesting is obvoiusly a hyporcrate.

It sounded like you were suggesting all pro lifers are guilty of this.

In fact it sounded like you were arguing that a frozen embryo in a lab proves the pro choice position that untill born a baby is not a person (the location argument).

Its good to hear someone bring it up and I am absolutley against such fertility practices.


Lets take it to the next level and discuss how many contraceptives prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the utereian wall thereby provoking a spontaneous abortion. Most people are not aware that this happens and even when challenged on this, they prefer to look the other way.

Again Hypocrates


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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
I can see why the 'location argument' isn't a thing I can google. Because it's not just about location. There's a big difference between a baby is in car / house / stroller and a baby in the womb. Not just location. So yeah we agree some prolife are hypocrites. We just disagree on how many of them are. I would say the vast majority of them spend little to zero time talking about embryos that are not in the womb, and almost all of them talk less about it proportionally to the number of humans killed in IFV clinics than those killed through traditional abortion. I'm not saying it proves the prochoice position, but I feel it does weaken the prolife one.
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page


Pro lifers are idiots.

Neither state nor church has the right to decide over a person's body.


Like it or not an unborn child is part of another person's body, this person only should be allowed to take a decision about it.


Note to the deluded:

This does not mean that I condone abortion at 8 or 9 months. I simply don't have a say in it.

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skeptoid's picture

But you have had a say in it - read your comment. The state decides over people's bodies all the time.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well it shouldn't in cases like pregnancy, suicide or others where only ONE person is concerned. This goes for a limited extent for drugs too, like fgor example driving under the influence.

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jdt73's picture

Daftcunt you are truly a daft cunt.

You just keep running with the same old tired tropes like its some kind of argument.

It is obvious that your opinions were given to you for repition without any scrutiny.

The my body my choice argument is wrong in its premise.

And then you finish off with - I simply dont have a say in it - why? because you are not female?

Actualy you are self censoring because you have been told to, and like a good little dog boy you comply.

You would have made a model German in 1938.

You think you are on the right side of history while you support the wholesale slaughter of the innocents.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Like I said, the comment was not aimed at the deluded.


"The my body my choice argument is wrong in its premise."

what exactly is wrong about it?


"why?" because it is not MY body


"You would have made a model German in 1938.

You think you are on the right side of history while you support the wholesale slaughter of the innocents."


Sorry, quite the opposite actually, but you wouldn't know that so here goes: The people you refer to in Nazi Germany did NOT have a say or control over their own bodies in a similar fashion as you propagate.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So as expected no reply, hence the "my body" argument isn't flawed at all......

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Sorry, typo correction:

"like NOT for example for driving under the influence."

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puttefnask's picture

We endlessly search the universe, hopeful for any signs of intelligent life or extra-terrestrial civilisations, yet consider the ability to terminate inevitable intelligent life in the womb on Earth an intellectual victory.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

inevitable potentially intelligent life

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norcimo5's picture

Most pro-lifers are extreme hypocrites.

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nakedslave's picture

Baby killers turns me on.

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nakedslave's picture

Adult sexually play with baby = bad

Adult Murders baby = good  

Great logic

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

How is it murder if it's legal?

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skeptoid's picture

That argument failed at Nuremberg.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

Not an argument, just the wrong definition of the word.

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skeptoid's picture

The Nazi killings were legal in Germany at the time. A separate entity determined that the wrong word was being used - they weren't killings they were murders. Many were hung. Surprised you didn't know this.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

So you want to base our language on a country, taken over by a dictator, and went to war with the rest of the continent the best part of a centaury ago? Murder IS a legal term, it's illegal killing, that is how the word is defined. I'm not saying that just because something wasn't murder, it means it's ok. I'm just saying abortion =/= murder. I'm surprised you doesn't know what the definition of the word is, I'd have assumed you'd have looked it up by now. There's also many better words to use to describe what happened in Nazi Germany, genocide being one of them. Using the word murder to describe what happened in Nazi German discredits what actually happened.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Nobody is murdering anyone, a fetus is removed from a body.

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