CNN Destroys Joe Rogan

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Joe Rogan Vs CNN

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 2.6 (5 votes)


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

It can acctualy make it worse.


Side effects in Dutch


Bij alle toepassingen

  • Soms (0,1-1%): volwassen (Ascaris-)wormen in de ontlasting.
  • Zeer zelden: toxische epidermale necrolyse (TEN) en Stevens-Johnsonsyndroom (SJS).
  • Verder zijn gemeld (frequentie van optreden onbekend): leverfunctiestoornissen waaronder acute hepatitis, stijging van leverenzymwaarden, hyperbilirubinemie. Hematurie. Voorbijgaande hypereosinofilie. Angio-oedeem. Dyspneu (bij inspanning), keelpijn, (verergering van) astma. Iridocyclitis. Urticaria, huiduitslag (papuleus), jeuk, overmatig zweten. Oedeem. Misselijkheid, braken, diarree, incontinentie voor ontlasting, (boven)buikpijn. Bedplassen, depressie, hallucinaties, leerhandicap, lusteloosheid, spraakzucht, vertraagd denken, verwardheid, zelfmoordgedachten. Huilen, vermoeidheid. Aandachtstoornis, ataxie, duizeligheid, vermindering of verlies van geheugen, smaakverlies, verminderd geestelijk vermogen, spraakstoornis (afasie). Stijging van CK-waarde (bij kinderen).

In english

  • In all applications
    Uncommon (0.1-1%): adult (Ascaris) worms in the stool.
    Very rare: Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).
    Also reported (frequency of occurrence unknown): hepatic impairment including acute hepatitis, elevation of liver enzymes, hyperbilirubinaemia. Hematuria. Transient hypereosinophilia. Angioedema. Dyspnoea (with exertion), sore throat, (worsening of) asthma. Iridocyclitis. Urticaria, rash (papular), itching, excessive sweating. Edema. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, faecal incontinence, (upper) abdominal pain. Bedwetting, depression, hallucinations, learning disability, lethargy, speechlessness, delayed thinking, confusion, suicidal thoughts. Crying, fatigue. Attention disorder, ataxia, dizziness, memory impairment, loss of taste, impaired mental ability, speech disorder (aphasia). Increase in CK value (in children).
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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

3 ppl downvoted me, i wonder who that could be? :)

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skeptoid's picture

Was probably a prank pulled by three of your astral projections. The side effects of ivermectin are fully captured and well-understood. We're still discovering the various side effects of the coof vaccine, and we'll have to wait to see what the long-term effects are. You left this out of your analysis. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I also did not mention alot of other things, because i was not talking about it..

You can take all the ivermectine you want, enjoy it

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skeptoid's picture

You should only take the dose of Ivermectine that has been prescribed by your doctor, as Rogan did. You're intelligent enough to know that you are acting as an ally of untruth here, aren't you?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

On the news they advise against it, your doctor will no prescribe any such things unless it is proven, although it is real easy to get any kind of pills in America.

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skeptoid's picture

You don't understand medicine very well, I think. Doctors can prescribe a drug for whatever reason they deem medically reasonable - it's called off-label prescription.


Does "the news" advise against taking a cheap, readily available drug, and early intervention and treatment based on the observations of front line physicians, and instead push a singular narrative of multiple does of a newly developed and in many cases experimental set of vaccines that are very expensive? I think you might be right. Makes sense, I guess - a lot of advertisements from pharmaceutical companies on your nightly news. I think you're onto something. 

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