China WANTS to turn kids INTO birds


n0val33t's picture
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jupp, it's a.....what can you say, hypocritical with the FB and the Insta. Then again, these are without question hostile to the West as we are to them. Can this be used against us in unforeseen ways in the future, maybe? Without question making us stupid though!.... literally removing kids' phones in a county in Norway ha's been proven to raise kids' grades in by a whopping 20%. Even bullying dropped significantly. Fuck this shit, phones goes in the basket until the end of the day! Or squawk I'm a chicken burk burk.... ohh I layed and egg how prescious! No you squatted over the teachers desk a took a giant steamy shit your crazy fuck!


Haven't checked this, but I doubt China allows this shit in their classrooms? No one fucking around identifying as a Bird in the PCR. Ticktock has become so popular everyone copying them. Fine remove Tictoc, get the Facebook reels as well, and the Insagram/Snapchat. It's mind poison. You can't escape it either, Friends can still send you shit through messenger apps or sms. Kinda forced into watching stupid shit all day long, they wait for you to watch said stupid shit. 


"so how was the stupid shit i just sendt you" .... I'm not watching it, if it's worth watching it's on spiked, i can't really say that though, so I'm caught!

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danman's picture

just get rid of your friends too. ez.

that's good news about the kids grades etc...

but you're making a couple assumptions there - that China/PRC govt has some kind of control over tiktok content & that they can access the data. There's no evidence of either & loads of measures to ensure the data isn't sent overseas.

It's safe to assume the US govt vacuums up all tiktok data though, along with all western sm app & internet data. Tiktok wouldn't be operating in the US if that wasn't the case. There is also evidence of US govt influencing TikTok content, although only in terms of getting the most popular influencers on message re: NATO proxy war in Ukraine. Beyond that who knows what they're up to. No doubt a lot, they wouldn't miss such an opportunity to gaslight westerners & try & steer the culture for their own gainz like they do with every other format. Maybe in a few decades we'll see the declassified dox to tell us how they're manipulating tiktok today.

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n0val33t's picture
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Ok putting words in my mouth...... so ...... read what said again!

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danman's picture

ok I re-read & now I dunno what you were saying but it doesn't look like what I first interpreted it as .... I don't think?

> hypocritical with the FB and the Insta. Then again, these are without question hostile to the West as we are to them

I've no idea what this means now. Sounds like bollocks tho.

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n0val33t's picture
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Your addressing things that were not said or mentioned

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danman's picture

yeah maybe I projected onto your comment what Tim was using as a premise for his bit. If that's the case, mb.


I think it's hilarious that western society sees how fucked up it is & tries to blame TikTok though. I think that was one of the layers of the joke. Not saying TikTok didn't contribute to helping us get there but only in the same way a mirror factory contributes to vanity or narcissism.

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