china refuses to supply russia with aircraft parts


danman's picture

this is so far a temporary thing while the details of the west's economic war on Russia are being figured out. The yanks are threatening China with secondary sanctions which will ultimately convince China they need to prepare to decouple. Losing the largest market in the world might backfire one day. Just a hunch.

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sal9000's picture
front page

why are you on tilt right now?


i was going to go with reuters but its got a article limit and other places of  a pay wall. search for it and pick your own article about it

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danman's picture

re: dailymail - it's whatever, I deleted that comment anyway.

There are likely to be some things China's private sector does to protect themselves from the west's economic war on Russia. There's a big recalibration going on for now & with these kinda details I prefer to wait until the dust settles a bit to see where things are at. I'm not on tilt but these things you post as tho you're creaming yourself at the idea of Russia being isolated or financially ruined are kinda sad tbph. What is it you think you'll gain by Russia's economy being crushed? You think it'll make your dick bigger just because you were born in a western vassal state?

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sal9000's picture
front page

did you watch the chechen vids along with the georgian one of just have the strange need to post something? do you have the need to post unrelated comment to videos? do you have the need to post about things that you don't know about? are you satisfied with what you say the first time? you're on tilt man. there is no winning to be had with me

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danman's picture

no I didn't watch, maybe will watch later

the comment wasn't unrelated at all, it was about Chechens

you gonna act like you posted a video about Chechens out of the blue, entirely unrelated to the Ukraine conflict?

your psychoanalysis is a swing & a miss, you shouldn't bother trying to be so clever.

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skeptoid's picture

"did you watch the chechen vids along with the georgian one of just have the strange need to post something? do you have the need to post unrelated comment to videos?"


Why don't you get an account for each member of your family instead of having the whole crew use the one? Oh, yeah, new members can't join. "Did you watch the vid...." LMAO you have to be kidding!

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n0val33t's picture
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Everyone is threatening china with eeeeeeeevvvvverything.... DON'T GET INVOLVED, not even a finger! 

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