china banning online gaming w foreigners


danmanjones's picture

According to Taiwan News

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sal9000's picture
front page

no. like in one of your previous commnents before this one. the info is from a chinese gaming site.


i got to know why you went from sayings its from a gaming website, to saying its from a chinese game website, to saying it's from a gaming website to finaly rest on taiwan news. you know there's no take backs.

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sato's picture

well danman guess you have to leave spiked now. it'll be good for you anyway, being called out for false facts all the time is starting to wear on your constructed world view.

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danmanjones's picture

The liar is you, it's right there for everyone to see.

You claimed China is the 2nd biggest contributor to WHO (false)

You claimed Taiwan warned the WHO rwt COVID-19 (false)



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sato's picture

take a break i'll do your reply myself:


"but whatabout america? trump puts out false facts all the time. whatabout your country's false facts? and you say my world view is constructed but you're a socialist and a cultist so whatever you say is untrue."


that's a tu quoque and an ad hominem... i know i'm forgetting more of your favorite logical fallacies but for now.

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danmanjones's picture

Your lies are right there for everyone to see.


Whatever happened to your ChInEsE sPy sato?

Last I heard he was being done in an Aussie court for fraud.


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