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daftcunt's picture

President Donald Trump: U.S., EU Agree To Work Towards 'Zero Tariffs' | NBC News

Just when you thought the comedy is over for the week:


From foe to friend in a split second....


I guess someone told the gobshite how international trade works and who the important trade partners actually are, in very simple terms of course.


Don't hold your breath, though, nothing cast in stone* they only agreed that they would reach an agreement.




*And even if it were with this type of person as potus stone turns into flatulance in no time.

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)


eh's picture

"My threat of tariffs brought the EU to the table to discuss zero tariffs"

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Looks like it worked. Imagine that.



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eh's picture

Youtube Jesus is sold. BOOM. Solid.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

It fills me with joy knowing that is all you can say.


Enjoy your day.

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Dagambit's picture

This man just reads my mind,... out loud. I like youtube Jesus.

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lawngnome's picture

hahaha .     It's called "settling differences", it's how shit gets done.    hahahahahaha





- Some Hillary lover

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