Cannabis corona cure?


Pdub's picture

TLRY to the moon.


I know people who smoke religiously, and yeah they got covid.


EDIT-Woops.  I didn't finish the video before commenting.  I am a human study.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

poor 911 operators... a wave of first timers on edibles!


HAH =)

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skeptoid's picture

All I got was blisters on my toes when I got COVID. Wondering if the subject of this video may have played a part in reducing symptoms, but there are lots of people who don't use it who also only got COVID toes so....


There is no "cure" for COVID, other than your immune system.

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jdt73's picture

Very teling ...

When people said Ivermectin was a curative you mocked.

Now the first sniff of cannabis being of benifit and you are out there waving the flag.

Very telling...

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Pdub's picture

If Ivermectin got you high.....

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Just how easily triggered are you, hun? 


Does this post (especieally consideing the description) look like I am promoting anything (like the twats were for ivermectin)? 


So especially for you: CBD still needs to undergo a lot of testing until it will get recommended for use.

Ivermectin failed to provide promising results so even the manufacturer doesn't recommend it for corona although they could make a huge profit from it. 


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