Canada, pick one; vaccine or no freedom


boldfart's picture

How dare they attempt to protect the old and vunverable. God has decided if you are weak you die!

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stokkebye's picture

If the old and vunerable take the vaccine then why would the healthy and least at risk people have to?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

It's also a blatant invasion of privacy to have to show proof of vaccination.


My medical history is between me and my medical professional. It's no one elses business.


Vaccines are to remain strongly suggested and highly informed. But you cannot make people choose between sovreignty of their body and freedom in a democratic society.


Nice try though.


Now, Individual Businesses have the freedom to bar you services or entry for any reason, and that's fine.


If they will deny you entry to school, then they'll have to remove the legal requirement for education below grade 10.


You can't have both, and I will not tolerate being herded in a direction my EMPLOYEES (Government) decide for me, through round about policies that restrict my personal liberties.


Freedom at ANY price.

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Zeb's picture

You know these vaccines took a hop skip and jumped right over all the regulation safeguards that used to be in place to make sure things are safe in the long term..



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ubershin's picture

its ok to be the guinea pigz0r just make sure ur  maple isnt tainted when it crosses the border to my pancake

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Apparently Vermont Maple Syrup is better. Buy local!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

It is rather simple, either you get vaccinated or you have to wear a mask (also those that think it is an invasion of privacy to give information on  being vaccinated)  until a sufficient part of the population is vaccinated. 


Now we just wait for those dumb enough to compare this to the holocaust.

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jdt73's picture

this is just like the holocaust!

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boldfart's picture

Part of the delay in releasing the vaccines was down to the inventors having to find a way to cause Autism at the same time as innoculation.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Don't forget that they also had to develop the microchip!

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Part of the delay? This vaccine is practically magical in it's speed of delivery.


We are still supposed to be deep in the forest of "IF" we can develope a vaccine, not 'WHEN" a vaccine comes out.


Also, This is just begging for a rise in forgeries and fraud.


Once they have cards, all you need is average notary and lamination skills to doctor up batches and batches of them, just like buying fake I'D's if you're under age. Except print is easier to fake than a false age.


The market is already flush with fake medical excemption cards for masks.


Everyone Step right up to get your 21st century arm bands. Didn't like yellow with the star? We have great news, they'll now be in the form of easy to to carry cards. No tacky fashion, no risk of the arm bands falling off. Don't delay! Get marked TODAY!



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

like I said the tards comparing this to the holocaust and themselves to the inmates of concentration camps was not far away.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Well what gave you the idea that it COULD be compared to the holocaust? Oh I know, it's the SAME practices, just a slightly different dressing.

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stokkebye's picture

Both are abuses of power just with different outcomes and goals. 

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