campell and others fucked up again

daftcunt's picture

Do 1 in 35 people have myocarditis after a COVID vaccine? No.

I forgot to add "of course"!


It is fucking hilarious if you think about it. This time it's only one minute debunk him, still the tards and those suffering confirmation bias will keep listening to him.


For those interested:

The paper being misinterpreted:

What is Troponin?:

Exercise can slightly increase Troponin, so slightly elevated Troponin alone does not diagnose myocarditis:


Diagnosis of myocarditis:



Average: 5 (4 votes)


sal9000's picture
front page

if you want to know more, check your points page. i sent you a link a few days ago

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why didn't you post it? Well I did now....

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Nice video Dog, but of course you'll have those that say:


I mean, what if during gym class little Timmy's heart explodes with more than just feelings for little Sally (or little Steve, his flex-arm-hang spotter holding the stopwatch, we don't judge here)? lol.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Of course, like I said, they either have an agenda like campbell or suffer confirmation bias or ar really, REALLY stupid.


The worst part is campell is a nurse he should not need to be "corrected" like that. This should be right down his alley. So the only reason that remain is what I said in the other recent post, he has become a fraud for clicks or everyuone except him and select right wing channels and a few "enlightened" are in on the conspiracy!

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

A whole 1 minute video from mr. Debunk the funk.  


They didn't simply make up a measurement when it is considered myocarditis.  Basically they compared them against a big sample of the population to get a mean value of the Troponin levels. This way they know what is considered normal and what is high.


Heres some snippets from the paper. 


COVID-19 mRNA  vaccine-associated  myocardial  injury  was  defined  as  acute  dynamic  hs-cTnT-  elevation  above  the  sex-specific 99th-perentileULN ( 8.9 ng/L in women and 15.5 ng/L in men)


Also some points to consider about exercise. 


While exercise was not restricted between vaccination and first hs-cTnT measurement, none of the detected cases reported strenuous exercise preceding the blood draw on day 3. Importantly, prior exercise was also not restricted among the matched control group, and even strong exercise typically only leads to an increase in hs-cTnT concentration of on average 1ng/L


Even Campbell mentions this in the video that if you run a marathon your going to have higher levels.



Screening was done. Patients with high hs-cTnT level were screened for alternative causes. Out of the 40, 18 were rejected because of other causes.



If I can find this stuff, why didn't he mention any of it?     

Didn't really boost my confidence in cartoon scientist. Didn't give much nuance, but this is quite typical for debunk videos.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Here is another debunk video, and I posted another one (careful16 minute video, takes probably too much of your valuable time) just today, both with reputable sources in the original actually.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Replied to that one too.

Yeah I don't have too much time. I've got to work for a living and the time I'm off work is short & valuable.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

surely you're a busy doctor or other medical expert but get someone to explain to you the difference between symptom and disease

In the other video is a tiktok link to a physician explaining which of the found elevated levels would warrant further investigation and why btw.


But probably they are all trying to lure us into false safety as they, like all other scientists promoting vaccination, are in on the vaccination conspiracy because they are in big pharma's pockets and only campbell is our saviour.... 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Some of us are starting to get myocardial injury just reading this thread.

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jdt73's picture

Another bombshell from BIPOC cartoon guy.

Just take the vaccine and shut up. Mask wearing is good for you.

And yes, I didn't watch because I don't need evidence to be right, I believe what I have been told to believe by MSM.



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