Bye Dilbert


Pdub's picture


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jdt73's picture

Thomas Sowell has been saying as much for years.

If you think stereotypes are racist fictions, then stop acting the the stereotype that offends you and be angry at those who continue to do so.

Racial harmony is not won though war, I think that is where BLM went wrong.

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danman's picture

I don't think BLM were after harmony. They wanted to rock the status quo because they're not satisfied with it.

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jdt73's picture

I don't think BLM want harmony either.

I think it is very clear now BLM just wanted power and money, and so long as it made Trump look bad it was encouraged by the establishment. Sure there were earnest people who wanted to heal the racial divide that stood alongside BLM but they had no idea who the enemy was and that they were rubbing shoulders with the devil.

The Democrat party thinks they can turn the racial levers on and off at will because right now the have the support of the corporate media on their side, and to a large extent this is true but they are playing a zero sum game that they are not in control of. The corporations/deep state decide the narrative and can swap sides at the drop of a hat, It all depends on how they see fit to secure power, as this is the highest ideal of the government/corporate Mafia.

So when you see the might of the media get behind any political situation you can guarantee that you are being played and all you have to do is stop thinking, forget about history, forget about objective truth and wave whatever flag they say is the one today.

I have noticed that if you do this you will never be alone because the naive masses were made to be led.

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danman's picture

> when you see the might of the media get behind any political situation you can guarantee that you are being played


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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

BLM was created as a weapon from the start. Same with any Ism, Ist or Phobe term. Weapons against those who stand up against insurrectionist movements and societal depravity.

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