Bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh right before Biden's infrastructure visit


n0val33t's picture
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Takes a fucktonn of political juice to even make a dent in the US infrastructure. Unfortunate the president wasn't on the bridge as It fell. Possibly be the greatest thing a president could have done for the US in a long ass time... death due to collapsed infrastructure! Just look at that pic from 2018.... look at that shit...LOOK AT IT *manic laughter*. It's maddening! Maybe that would be enough to get SHIT DONE! 


He will probly welcome death... poor sob. I still don't think he wants the job.  "please god please, let me go tonight"" 

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Trumps fault obv

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daftcunt's picture
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I wonder how long it will take for the nutbags to construct that it was a deliberate attack orchestrated by CIA and or FBI to support Biden's bill. 

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skeptoid's picture

You mentioned nutbags, so it would be much more likely the fart would be "Trump supporters collapse bridge in advance of Biden visit to embarrass him."

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daftcunt's picture
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Boomshackalacka's picture

Senator Toomey and the entire GOP voted against the infrastructure bill. A lot of PA politics is total pig shit. DRRRRRR

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skeptoid's picture

What do you think of the GOP? Are you still a RINO :):):):):):):):):)

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