Bitcoin hits ALL TIME HIGH!

Pantysoaker's picture

"This Is The Real TRUTH About Bitcoin" | Elon Musk (2021 WARNING)

anyone who is still poor is fucking retarded. You could have bought the dumbest shit and became a millionaire.

Average: 5 (3 votes)


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

They don't tell you who acctualy started bitcoin mining and why, it is owned by the US government, and the calculations are the possible future and such, for the rest it is a ponzi scheme if everyone redeems their coins for cash the system collapses and a bitcoin is worth not even a penny, this can happen in one day or one night, so it has the highest risk of collapsing completely, i came up with the idea for payed calculation on home computers 15 or 20 years ago i did not desighn the acctual programs, and acctualy it is not payed, it is just a number on a screen you get, it is worth what others give for it to play in the high risk ponzi.

The bigger it gets the higher the chance of immediate collapse

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schenobi's picture

Came here for this exact comment and he didn't disappoint

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You came here for exactly this comment?

Why do you lie? You dissapoint your parents and Jezus when you lie.

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schenobi's picture

Try it sometime. Go into any commect section on any article pertaining to Bitcoin or crypto and look for the following talking points:
It was created by the CIA / USGOV
It is intrinsically worthless
It's a ponzi that could collapse any time
You missed "tulips" but they usually get a mention. I've rarely seen someone say "the bigger it gets the higher the chance of immediate collapse". That's pretty wild. But you know, it's the variations that make the theme enjoyable.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Well i am giving the facts, the bigger it get's the closer they follow the value, a bigger drop in price - most holders could potentialy cash in, causing a bigger drop and everyone cashes in, causing the system to fall back to a few cents or dollars a coin, now i don't see that happening any time soon, but it should be known that it can happen.

I gave the idea to a secret organization/ government and it was not even for the money that they created it, just the calculation power of all those computers, it forms the biggest supercomputer to date

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schenobi's picture

I came up with the idea for hypersonic missile tech but China screenshotted while I was in the toilet.

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UnholyChicken's picture

Pyramid scheme aside, I struggle with why we would want one global currency. There are countries where being given £1k would set you up for life, where I am that's how much it costs to get the bins emptied for a year. Hardly fair to ask us to pay the same price for a loaf of bread.

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schenobi's picture

Even with a single world currency, different stores would still set their own prices, and different countries would choose their currencies.
Anyways, Bitcoiners actually have no interest in becoming a single world currency. You can use the Bitcoin network to transfer value from point A to point B on the globe for fractions of a dollar, then withdraw on either end using the local currency of your choice. This means volatility is irrelevant, and banks are shitting themselves at the prospect of losing their middleman status. Look up "Lightning Network remittance El Salvador" if you want to see it happening IRL.
Meanwhile there are literally thousands of other crypto projects competing to eat the entire financial system. If you work in traditional finance your job is on a timer.

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UnholyChicken's picture

The way I see it, if it's not a single currency then it's just going to be a commodity to be traded. once it's all mined out the average miner will switch to charging transfer fees or they'll have to shutdown their servers to save on the running costs. Who would pay a transfer fee when there is another alternative? Banking system shit show aside the good thing about fiat is that it doesn’t require energy to make it exist or spend it.

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schenobi's picture

Banking system shit show aside the good thing about fiat is that it doesn’t require energy to make it exist or spend it.

Ridiculous statement. Do you know how wasteful the financial system is? Do you think VISA and SWIFT run on sunshine? The world financial system as it exists today is hideously wasteful, corrupt and broken. Not to mention that when the Fed prints money they create debt, which is freely spread among every person who uses the dollar in the form of inflation. That's going to be a big theme in the next few years, keep an eye out for it when you fill your car or buy groceries.

The reason Bitcoin consumes so much energy is because it's so damn profitable to mine. When issuance eventually runs out there will be a transition to a much lower energy state. Most miners will repurpose their rigs or just trash them - they only have a few years of useful life anyway.

Try to distinguish between Bitcoin the network and BTC the asset. Very different things. Who indeed would pay transfer fees when you can cut out the middleman and move money for (almost) free? This benefit is reflected in the value of BTC, but it's the underlying network that is the real source of value.

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UnholyChicken's picture

ah the fabled transition to a low energy state, sorted then.


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schenobi's picture

It could 10x in energy use and still be a vast improvement over the current system.

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