Arizona Hearing


daftcunt's picture
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sato's picture

however they did it has been expertly hidden, but you can't hide the math. i was sceptical at first, but the 4 dumps that showed up in biden's favor the night following the election are just so much more extreme than anything else seen anywhere at all including in the same places. if mail-in ballots were 9-1 in biden's favor then they should all be around that figure, not only one lot and then the rest are all withing normal range. what was seen is statistically impossible and so it's really undeniable the election was stolen with ballots or votes added in some way.

this breaks it down:

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daftcunt's picture
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sato's picture

statistics. in the bluest county in california, biden beat trump 4:1, yet in the 4 middle-of-the-night vote updates that won biden the election the margin was up to 24:1 in biden's favor. crucially, every other batch of votes (there were almost 9,000 of them) even in the same states didn't reach even 10:1. only in those 4 big updates that won turned the election was the pro-biden ratio so high. no other vote update anywhere in the country at any other time was even half that.

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stokkebye's picture

Math is hard for daftcunt.

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Raining Blood's picture

forget that, trump was winning before i went to sleep. things dont change when i sleep. its fraud


also this is old news, look up benford law, or heres someone talking about it



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skeptoid's picture

I think your first sentence really sums up the quality of your thought on this issue.

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Raining Blood's picture

the part about things not changing when i sleep? that kind of thinking has been perpetuated by the people on the right

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Dagambit's picture

You forgot they don't change while I am sleeping AND THEY STOPPED COUNTING!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Ok, god did it!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now, on a more serious note, as this "anomaly" seems to be the only one that actually looks like it needs more explanation:

What has come off of that? Was the case with this evidence presented to a judge? Is there an investigation?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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We arn't going to see outcomes for awhile.


Wisconsin will likely be going into play in the next few days, and Nevada anamolies were finally mentioned. (No mention of actionin that state yet that I'm aware of.) I was curious about the flip in that state for awhile. Considering when the polls open around 50% reporting Trump had nearly 70% and biden had just over 30%. Then a massive slide not long after. Possible with 50% left to report, but highly unlikely that opposition TOTALLY reverses the lead with neglible support on Trumps side to keep building.


PA Outcome will likely be determined by the GOP cases instead. Those are the ones to follow. As their contestments (Though constitutional.) are less democratic than Trump's fraud finding strategy.



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