Americas Worst Drivers

Pantysoaker's picture

Bad Drivers of Sac #13

more like worlds worst

Average: 1 (4 votes)


thegent's picture
Discord user

this is so harmless..

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RaiThioS's picture
Beta Tester

how do you even find this level of tame. My youtubes spits out high level road rage. It's been trained well.

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boldfart's picture

I object to the title! 

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Fullauto223cal's picture

OK, these are all clips from the same bitch.  You have to share the road and sometimes those other people drive like dumb asses.  Just accept that fact and drive defensively.  You just know her dumb ass does stupid shit without thinking too but of couse she would never clip and upload those.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Some are non issues like "not sticking to road markings in parking lot without obstructing anyone" or "pick up pulling out in front of me when I'm driving at walking speed anyway". 


Others are outright stupid. like passing the SUV with the disabled scooter in the back when the (probably elderly driver who should have their license revoked in the first place) clearly did not know what they were doing the way she did.
1. you want this person IN FRONT OF YOU so you can control the situation without checking the rear view mirrors
2. you don't pass insecure drivers when they are "between lanes"



Dumb bitch.

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