American Hospitals Dumping People


Accuser's picture

"It's like I'm worthless" Hint: you are and in this country our system is not 1st world.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

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Needless_Kane's picture

My friend just got dumped out of the hospital after a stroke, unable to use their entire side and didn't get any help assigned...  They're unable to bathe, cook, clean, take care of themselves.  Shit's no joke.  Shitty hospital medical systems.

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Dhagon's picture

I worked at a hospital and will say that there were an awful lot of frequent flyers coming in drug seeking. Some were homeless that wanted to get off the street for a while and would come in, say "I need medical attention", then laugh as they knew the hospital was legally obligated to serve them, at least for stabilization. It was usually the same handful of people, coming in on a daily basis. While this is just hearsay, I think a lot of those frequent flyers wanted attention, to cause drama, perhaps to not be lonely but lacked the tools to interact socially. I remember this scenario happening a lot:

  1. Person comes in asking for treatment for a vague illness.
  2. Admitting techs and staff get vitals and process while the patient is becoming increasingly uncooperative and hostile.
  3. After some time, the staff say there is nothing wrong/have done all they can do in an ER/provide info about how to receive longer term care.
  4. Patient gets mad saying more needs to be done now ie. they want drugs. (this is where they get disruptive/violent)
  5. Patient is escorted out
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