Aid hidden in PR, trump was right!?


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

5:58 that is Belgian water for some reason, from the Belgian store chain Delhaize wich is quite expensive, how did it end up over there.

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sato's picture

aid is almost always an urgent thing, so they can't wait for additional supplies (as in more water than stores typically stock to supply the area they operate in) and just have to buy everything that is available, which is usually results in some of everything getting sent.

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Dagambit's picture

image that, Trump gave aid. They have already inspected it, over 1/2 has expired now, that were perishable. She is blaming everyone else, you know that bitch was in on it, or masterminded it. How much money do you think they paid her to keep this quiet? 


13 warehouses, 100,000 trailers full of aid and supplies, found so far. 


I forgot to post this 2 weeks ago when I saw it I was just pissed off. 


Because all this relief was hidden, Trump went down to PR himself with a MILLION of his own fucking money and handed out supplies and ridiculed for it. All our news stations (except fox) spent 5-15 minutes convering this story. Fucking useless. 

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